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Went For A Test Drive


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Umm unles you are aware of this , it can be damned dangerous ( note to self to raed the handbook).

In manual mode puckering along in 3rd at ~ 80ks and floor it , back to second she goes , wheelspin and sideways action in the bat of an eye. Not a lot of fun when you are not expecting it. Do not try this in the wet :blush:

Note to wife too when she borrows the car. Be careful honey.......it bites. This feature also makes it a bit of a monkey to dyno. You have to feed the power on gradually in the mid range otherwise she changes up and wants to bounce around on the rollers. Tighten those straps otherwise she'll be off!

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 10d
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I too have come from a 4spd Auto BA XR6T to the Typhoon 6spd Auto. The ZF 'box is streets ahead. I think it's the best gearbox available next to a manual. It has so many smart features built in it's incredible. As previously stated you have to drive it your way so it can learn your driving style and it will reward you greatly.

The only place a manual would be more suitable is on track days and as I don't do more than a couple of these a year it's suits me to a T.

As far as it being slow changing gears, if you were referring to manual changes, they can be a little slow on occasion but still quicker than any manual unless you're flat changing and that's not real good for your drive train. If you are referring to the down change, then yes they are still a little slow to react but about twice as fast as the old 4spd auto.

All things being equal I'd be willing to make a wager that a 6spd Auto will beat a 6spd manual down the 1/4 mile. Any takers??? Then we'll see who's 'box is slower.

Big AL

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  • Sucker
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Umm unles you are aware of this , it can be damned dangerous ( note to self to raed the handbook).

In manual mode puckering along in 3rd at ~ 80ks and floor it , back to second she goes , wheelspin and sideways action in the bat of an eye. Not a lot of fun when you are not expecting it. Do not try this in the wet :w00t2:

My point stands, you shouldn't be in third gear doing 80 anyway :sick:

Fair point though buffy :w00t2: The kickdown in the wet has claimed a few from this forum, and you would assume that manual mode would actually be "manual"

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 24d
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I've got a 4 speed and a 6 speed at home. There is no comparison as the six speed is very responsive and having the phoon for a year I found that the gearbox does know what expected of it and works in with the way you drive. Those two extra gears make a huge difference on the highway too.

You need to put in consideration for the amount of times your 4 speed lets go and the cost of rebuild as compared to the six speed being able to handle between 350-400rwkw.

I'm an exception with 422rwkw. For how long who knows????

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 25d
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The whole reason I didn't get a BA was because the manual and auto boxes were crap. The 5 speed was clunky slow joke (and the same one I was sick of in my NA AU), the auto was just too slow to shift and manual mode didn't change when I wanted it to.

One drive of the ZF and I bought one.

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