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Driving Music


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For a one stop shop of driving songs you can't go past "tom petty anthology: through the years". Two cd's of toe tappin' goodness.


Edited by bonza
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Im having ZZ Top and B-52's coming to mind, but cant remember the names of the songs for the life of me!!!


On another note - dont let me in your car, or even my own when Darude Sandstorm, Feel the beat and then followed by out of control... not sure why but well that's what typically happens after those 3 songs!!!


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  • Go Pies!!!
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Dam - B-52's - Love Shack!!!

hehehe that's what it was....

oh speaking of songs - believe it or not, few years ago went around a corner a little quick, didnt know cops where around the corner doing mod checks.... get pulled up and he goes "evening - went a bit fast around the corner dont you think" - replied "sorry, let me just turn down the stereo"....

Low and behold - the cop looks at me, goes "mate how old are you?" I reply "25 (at the time), why"?

2 things *looking at my license* - "Smicky (my real name instead) - 1. you look rather young for such a nice new car is it yours?" - "Yep *big grin* just picked it up about 2 months ago" (new suby GT).

secondly - "Is that Frank Sinatra???"

*grin gone and now red faced* - "yes"... I replied...

"Well sir - I cant fine or believe your cornering was intentional considering your age and listening to something as classic as Frank.... Have a terrific night"!!!

Couldn't believe it!!! Thanks god for Frank!!!

- I really thought the end was near for a moment that night!


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Had a few JW blacks tonight & was thinking of an intelligent thread to start so I thought what music do you listen while your driving but someone already had a bright idea so I thought id just add to it. Does music have that same mad effect on your driving style as it does to me.

I cant listen to anything soft while im driving otherwise I get abit noddy. I'm abit of a weapon head from way back. Love my metallica, acdc, dream theatre, iron maiden & even abit of pantera when the time comes. Ive found my choice of music has broadened abit over the last couple of years. With a descent sound system I'll listen to stuff with abit of bass & being that I married a country girl I can even stand descent country music. I can even stand most things in the top 10's on the radio/tv.

Do ya play your music flat when your on the open road or low so you can hear yourself think? Do you love it so much that every car you've owned has to have something not so factory in it. I love my music & only happy when I cant hear the problems of the day gone. Hence the reason im goin deaf (serious) that & I dont wear ear muffs listening to outboards at 6000rpm. lol.

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