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Driving Music


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  • Flower Power
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It really depends where I am, and what mood I'm in.

If I'm cruzin through Bankstown and other area's of the same type, where all the wanna be homies are blasting rap, r'n'b and sh*t like that, I put on some MetallicA, Fear Factory, KoRn.

If I'm in a pissed of mood, Fear Factory or KoRn.

If I'm in a happy mood, I blast some dance or Cro dance.

If I don't want to blast, I just put on MMM.

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How 'bout "Tenacious D". :P

Probably cause too many accidents with an abundance of laughter :D

Queen: definatley "A Kind of Magic", has to have the Highlander theme song in there somewhere.

Go the Floyd!!!

Bit of classic and newer stadium rock. Kiss, Angels, Screaming Jets, Nickelback...etc.

Newer stuf, Blink 182, Offspring, (Heavier boy band turned Metal type of stuff, "tehehe": Lincoln Park...they are actually quite good though).

Mainstream Metal: Iron Maiden, Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, Dokken, Black Sabbath, Savatage, Metallica (OLD NOT NEW), Megadeth, (great CD's for driving/cruising, "Risk", "Countdown to Extinction", "Symphony of Destruction")!!!

Heavier stuff : Korn, System of a down, Machine Head, Fear Factory...OH yeah......I could go on for hours.

Lotsa live stuff, it's all good!!!

If I could insert my HDD, I'd be laughing. Hours of endless music. :D Spend over 2 hours on the road each day, need pleanty of tunes.

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Guest Hydro
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Sounds like a few of us made CD’s esepically for the new wheels. I did. I carried it around with me (and refused to listen to it) until I pick up the new car. Mine goes something like this…

Gary Numan, Cars

Bon Jovi, Everyday

Heart, Barracuda (gotta have that one for the Barra) :D

Avrile Lavagine, Sk8er Boi

Motly Crue, Kick Start my Heart

Metalica, Fuel

Guns and Roses, Mr Brown Stone

Devo, Just a Girl (re mix)

U2, Elevation

Green Day, Geek Stink Breath

ZZ Top & Tone Loc, Funky Cold Medina

Van Halen, Me Wise Magic

Filter, Welcome to the Fold

ZZ Top, Heard it on the X

Van Halen, Panama

Foo Fighters, The One

ZZ Top, Doubleback

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  • some guy...
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mp3 players are awesome!

I've had one (sony single cd mp3 head unit) in my car for nearly 2 years and I just can't get enough of it!

I've got something like 1200 tracks in my car at all times, and I'm redoing all my cd's to update them and have all the albums by one artist on one cd, etc.


I noticed you've got roots bloody roots there. ever heard the cannibal corpse version? I'm not a huge fan of cannibal corpse (I'll still listen to it) but their version is awesome!

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  • I see red
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So many different artists and songs around. I don't go much on any new stuff except the song Ford use for their ad. Mostly 70s and 80s rock stuff, Cold Chisel, Angels, AC/DC, ZZ Top, Eagles. Some later stuff like Offspring is pretty cool. Roy Orbison is something else I listen to a lot. Very talented guy. Guns and Roses are OK too, especially Sweet Child 'o Mine (played air guitar to that a few times!).

I hate doof doof rap music. What a strange world we live in when all the white singers want to be black and one of the most famous black singers wants to be white...

Most of the girl bands/solo singers like Britney, Christine Aguliera etc are crap. I don't mind Kylie though (she sings pretty good too! :lol: ). I quite like Torn by Natalie Imbruglia (sp?) though the rest of her stuff is pretty crap.

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Ah well, guess I'm going to have to contribute then.

The Dave Matthews Band, Sting, Crowded House (possibly the only good thing to come out of NZ :sick: ) DIG - the best acid Jazz band AUS ever produced and then they had to go and split!!

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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So many different artists and songs around. I don't go I hate doof doof rap music. What a strange world we live in when all the white singers want to be black and one of the most famous black singers wants to be white...

lol :D

Death to doof doof I say....lol :sick: I'm a musician myself, singer/lead guitarist and there is nothing that makes me more sick then these "so called" artists ripping off other peoples work, putting these stupid samples over the top of someone's hard work, adding a stupid drum beat and some boyband wanna be or some chick in good need of a visit to a fast food store of some description for a decent feed stuffing up the whole thing with their wailing vocals.

There, I've had my bitch :D


Can't say that I have heard Cannibal Corpse's verion, no. Not really a fan or theirs but I'll try and track it down for interest sake. B)

Long live REAL metal :sick:

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Guest MrSparkle
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Anything and everything, except Redneck!!! :D Now let me see how quickly I can offend everyone... :lol:

I like a wide range of music, but I'm pretty much over metal and it's variants. Been through that phase, can't get into it again.

I love my doof-doof, but I am very selective with it. Ministry of Sound or Renaissance, or anything by the more well-known European/British scene. Nick Skitz / Paul Mac and their kind are a disgrace, and should be shot!

I also love a bit of rap, but again, I am fairly particular with it. Love my old high school favourites, Cypress Hill.

My collection extends pretty broadly though, with some 80's classics (INXS, U2, etc), through to the "high school years" of the late 80's / early 90's, and a sprinkling of genres and groups through the 90's.

What ends up in the stacker depends on the mood I'm in, and how far I'm driving! On longer trips, I love filling the stacker up with some quality progressive tunes (Renaissance)! Shorter runs generally give the home-made mixes a workout. B)

Pretty much content with anything but country!!!

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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You won't offend me....I've had my bitch...lol. :D

Each to their own I say, I'm a highly strung individual, which I'd imagine 90% of all you are, being in the IT industry. Ahhh, it's good stress relief, nothing like pounding metal blowin your speakers. Singing along with my favourite tunes is excellent stress releif, people look at me as if Im possessed but who cares. I'm not out to please anyone. Here for a good time, not a long one.


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