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Bill, 400 odd rwkw's is a sensational effort mate in anyone's book and in an auto, nothing really will ever touch it.

Ever heard of the law of diminishing returns? Once you get up to a power level, you need a LOT more power to go faster and faster. To be quite honest, I would be lucky to pull away from you until we got up to a pretty silly speed like over 200km/hr where the extra power really does come into play.

Think of it this way, most performance cars are pretty quick to 100km/h - a car length probably equates to .3-.5 second if not more and is really a hard way to judge a cars real potential. The 100-200km/hr sprint is more telling as that is when real power comes into play as the quick cars to 100 run into a proverbial wall after that. Really telling - do a 150 - 250km/hr run and then you will measure absolute multiple car lengths between them and I mean plenty of them. I have watch my speedo go from 150 - 250 like my tacho and it is the only time the car actually really gets traction and can use the power - a roll-on in 4th gear is just an experience to be felt, and then 5th, and then it just keeps pulling in 6th..........

Mate, your car is a weapon and makes a fantastic street car. Any more power is wasted unless like me, all you care about is laughing to yourself how ridiculous it really is.......... :stupid:

Would a different set of ratios in the box aid with traction & acceleration at all, M/T are releasing a 305x35x18 next month so you should try and get a set. I have 3 set's on order alreaddy.

Do you have a copy of your dyno sheet floating around, I'd like to compare it to a similar powered Boss engine.

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Would a different set of ratios in the box aid with traction & acceleration at all, M/T are releasing a 305x35x18 next month so you should try and get a set. I have 3 set's on order alreaddy.

Do you have a copy of your dyno sheet floating around, I'd like to compare it to a similar powered Boss engine.

If your refering to me, the dyno sheet is under the CV section under Monster Phoon 422rwkw.

Let me know your finding either way.

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If your refering to me, the dyno sheet is under the CV section under Monster Phoon 422rwkw.

Let me know your finding either way.

Was talking about the other old mate with the 5oorwkw F6 but I'll have a look in the cv section aswell.

Ok just had a look at your sheet's and I wouldn't know where to compare seeing as one is road speed while the other is rpm, I dont see the point in putting road speed on the sheet's.

Edited by _XRQTOR_
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