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Wilsons Prom Vic Cruise


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Hey boys...

It's with regret I have to pull out of this one. I have my sister here from overseas and we as a family are going to visit my Auntie's house on Sunday so I can't make it.

I've tried to get out of it... but my sister is throwing down a massive guilt trip on me.

Sorry for the late notice but I've been trying to negotiate my way out of it...

Jack :bum:

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sorry guys cant make this cruise due to uni commitments. :blush:

it should be a good cruise, I look forward to seeing all the pictures you guys take :blush:



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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi Guys,

If the weather is okay, I plan to still drive the route. If it is not too inconvenient for those interested in doing the cruise - I'll post up in this thread at 7am on this Sunday if the cruise is officially ON or OFF. It's really a drivers cruise rather than a family cruise - that's why I'm still keen. The only thing that will turn me off it is if the roads are wet or its forecast to be rain on the day. Too slippery and dangerous on the twisties then.

As a courtesy, I'm happy to send a SMS to those on the cruise list about whether its officially ON or OFF as well at 7am on Sunday. Just let me know if you'd like me to do that (so I won't disturb your Sunday morning unless you expressly let me :tease:)

So, at this point in time, I'd like to keep it up as a cruise until Sunday 7am at least. I mean, if you've made up your mind whether you're cruising or not, it aint going to hurt anybody leaving this event ON until then.

Which comes to my next proposal - if for some reason the cruise does not happen (like I'm the only one a the meet point etc etc :crybaby: ), would anyone like to have this cruise or a re-modelled version of it re-scheduled to another date? It could be re-modelled to be shorter thus making it another cruise - the Wilsons Prom-not Cruise :tease: ? Seriously, it's easy to make it shorter by excluding the Wilsons Prom bit. From Inverloch, would just go up to Korumburra then to Warragul and then home. Probably knock about 160km off the cruise making it a 300km cruise instead of a 460km cruise and add some twisties on 100km/h limited roads.

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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi Guys,

This cruise has been CANCELLED

I apologise if this has caused anyone any inconvenience. I discussed this with 2 of the remaining people on the Cruise List and the majority vote is not to run this cruise due to the number of people unable to attend.

I won't be editing the first post just yet because with the new site changes, I have yet to work out how to edit posts properly - umm, what's a <span>? :spoton: They seem to proliferate a post when it is being edited and appear in the post if you don't remove them.

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