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Haltech Vs Capa


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Hey guys,

Was hoping someone would be able to help me with this question:

Which is better in a performance sense out of a haltech computer and capa flashbox?

Im about to get my car tuned but am getting some conflicting advice (as always)

I do notice however that most of the guys putting down decent power on the forum are using the capa unit.

Thanks for your advice,


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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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I'd say ALL, not most, "of the guys putting down decent power on the forum are using the capa unit."

I was using Motec, and the Edit works far better for overall performance.

However, what do you regard as "decent power".


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I use the capa flash tuner got it edited by intune in sydney. done a very good job gave me 256kw at the wheels on 12 psi. well worth it couldnt say a bad word about it and it gives you the option to reflash anytime as well as for servicing I only use two of the tune but you have three plus factory on the box

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I too run the factory computer with a custom tuned 'flash'...

Running 346rwkw.

Why spend money on aftermarket management when you don't need it?

Jack :spoton:

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The Haltech and other ECUs are designed to replace the factory PCM completely, not to run in conjunction (unless its a type of piggy back ecu). Unless you have a car that doesn't cause issues with replacing the PCM, it will be of little benefit for you to. The ford PCM controls not only the engine but all other electronic sensors, safety devices, transmission, etc and the Haltech cannot.

Piggy back devices have more or less been proven to be a waste of time and money, when you can get the stock PCM "reflashed" using the capa edit. Since the PCM does EVERYTHING that you require, it makes sense to use this to your advantage.

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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  ForcedXR6 said:
Hey Brian what model Motec were you using? M800? Im curious to know why it did not perform very well? I wouldnt use anything other than a CAPA flash tuner on my car for a number of reason one being cost and it functionality but would be interesting to see what your experience was with the Motec.

Also do Haltec have ab ECU that controls the dual VCT?


I used the Motec M800 initially, as my project began well before Edit hit the market.

Motec was good at the making the power, independent cam control, and driving big injectors. However, the major issue was idle control (with a lot of idle "hunting"). With an aggressive triple plate clutch the car was undrivable, as I basically stalled the car most of the time. Cold starts were not very good.

With the Edit the car starts and idles well, independent cam control is available, the tuning is far easier, with far more control over the car's tuning parameters. It can also drive big injectors (with a workaround).


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IMHO, if you can control and tune the factory computer, it will be un-matched.

No aftermarket computer will ever be able to control the car as well as the factory computer can, and if you can modify the parameters in the factory ECU, that is the best of both worlds.

Taking nothing away from Haltech, I actually run Haltech in my XC, you can have as many maps as you want, 10 if necessary. It is a fantastic computer, but as my 1978 Falcon didnt leave the factory with a ECU or fuel injection, we had no choice!

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I agree, I had a 4G63bt twin cam run by a haltech E6K, awesome tuning ability and "real time" adjustments WITH included software. Awesome value for money... but the current technology in cars these days controls more than any aftermarket ECU can control, and this has to be the best way. The down side of course is the lack of live tuning, increasing dyno time/tuner time and some "hit and miss" strategies. It's down to a fine art now though and often a car is properly tuned after one or two attempts.

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