phantomchic Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be..... Lifetime Members 14,092 Member For: 20y 5m 10d Gender: Female Location: Noosa QLD Posted 02/04/07 03:29 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 03:29 PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagabond Bored Member Administrator 35,722 Member For: 22y 3m 8d Gender: Male Location: Dé·jà vu Posted 02/04/07 05:16 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 05:16 PM Welcome back LumpyTook him a while to get back down off that high horse didnt it..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tab Sucker Moderating Team 32,303 Member For: 20y 9m 28d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 02/04/07 09:46 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 09:46 PM Still as misguided as ever!How’s uni going Lumpy? Not long now until you’re rolling in the money and buying nice houses and flash cars Or are you going to spend it all planting trees or something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XR6T8080 Member 398 Member For: 18y 4m 23d Gender: Male Posted 02/04/07 10:12 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 10:12 PM Blah Blah Blah MoneyBlah Blah Blah CapitalBlah Blah Blah InvestmentsGood to see the arrogance of capital still rides supreme here.As if nothing else matters a pittance? You people ponder why others vote labour? It's hard to recognise how the majority of the population live when you either own, or have the ability to pay back a brand new $60,000 car, plus a house and most whizzbangs and dodads.Merely because you have made your way, whether it be through hard work or chance doesn't mean that everyone else has. By the simple fact you are a manager, a business owner or an otherwise entrepreneurial person means that there are people below you, sometimes far below.People who earn less than you do. People who live a lot closer to the bone than you do. Who can't afford luxuriances that you take for granted. Not just technology but health and education. And what do you self-serving, arrogant, capital worshipping, greedy sods do? Try and stop anyone else from attaining something that you have. As a nation, we had the right idea in 1860, but in the following years, Australian society, with what was once a strong backbone of social justice has flowed ever downward along a pitiful diluting sewer over to become nothing more than a cesspit of slavering dollar servants, each trying to push all around them down so they can have their their slice of dignity.It doesn't matter how you try explain it away. Repression is repression. Greed is Greed and even if you are proud about it, it still doesn't change the kind of evil, self entered, slimy excuse for a human being that you are.As Sincere as Always,BrendanI drive a $26000 motor vehicle, and weve just put a deposit down on our first home of $226,000 so I wouldnt say im a millionare, im not even a property owner as labour guys are all about unions, and how NOT to get the job done, and stand around on top $$$ bitching and moaning about every bloody thing. the principle of labour is great, it would be great if the labour party understood the meaning of the word LABOUR however.The last 2 times labour was in the country went to sh*t in a couple of years, and that's a fact, and pretty much all you need to know, look at beazley? the man who never was... out of all their members he was the best they could come up with, and now rudd? well you dont hear much about him, except hes not for nuclear power which is a great idea, and would make us all better off...oh and AND AND AND !!!!they have said that if they get in, they need to raise the GST 17% so that's 27% GST if labour gets in, was on the news the other day.Small business, and large business are the ones that look after the australian public, and that's what our current government looks after, you cant seriously believe that any government labour or otherwise, would actually make a significant difference to anybodys working conditions? you need to rely on small, and large business for that, since they are the bulk of the employers in this country.Look at wages over the last 10 years? there hasnt been any real increase in them, I mean most people were on $450 - 500 a week 10 years ago, whats it gone up to $550 ? and dont even throw those new workplace agreements at me because we all know there hasnt been any mass sackings, and you never hear anything on the news about it, another whole lot of labour propergander.AS I SAID - vote with your head, you may not be home owners, but most of you will eventually, somehow, history repeats itself, and I have no doubt that a labour government will make the same mistakes it has in the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XR6T8080 Member 398 Member For: 18y 4m 23d Gender: Male Posted 02/04/07 10:19 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 10:19 PM Merely because you have made your way, whether it be through hard work or chance doesn't mean that everyone else has. By the simple fact you are a manager, a business owner or an otherwise entrepreneurial person means that there are people below you, sometimes far below.change the kind of evil, self entered, slimy excuse for a human being that you are.As Sincere as Always,BrendanOh, and to add further comment to this paragraph, yes I am a business owner, and formerly worked on wages, now im a tradesman, running my own show.If you havnt got the guts, to put your money where your mouth is, and go out and have a go at your own show, then its not my bloody fault is it, im not going to be critizised for doing exactly that, especially when I come from a country town with no possibilities and now live in a city with every possibility you can immagine.dont whine at me because you are too stupid to sit in the same eboring job for the rest of your want to play it safe and have a job, with no real responsibility, do you actually think your worth more than what your getting paid? business owners earn more because they work harder. and they bloody well deserve it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAP No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle! Lifetime Members 7,935 Member For: 21y 8d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 02/04/07 10:31 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 10:31 PM Wes,You do not know our friend Brendan aka Lumpy.He loves debates, do not take it personally as he is not that kind of person.Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how misguided it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tmac450 Member 1,650 Member For: 18y 5m 18d Gender: Male Location: NSW Posted 02/04/07 10:51 PM Share Posted 02/04/07 10:51 PM Lumpy,All the proof we need is the complete failure of comunism everywhere it has been attempted. If you've ever seen the Labour party's and the union's doctorines, they reads like one of Karl Marx's original works. All about comrades and workers uniting and everyone being equal, etc.If you want to see pure evil greed, go no further than comunism, they make the general population starve to death while those in power and the mega wealthy milk them for all they've got for personal gain. Once again similar to Labour and more so the unions. All about fees, dirty backhanders, and mega rich leaders. It is in Labour's and the Union's best interest to keep the workers opressed, so they can pretend to help them and get their support.I can't comprehend why anyone could seriously use concern for the workers as their excuse to follow communism. Have you noticed how low unemployment is now? Basically, if business is good, employment is up and more money is getting to the workers. If business is down (and milked for all its worth through Labour taxes and Union interferrence) then unemployment in high.If you truly cared for the workers, you'd be supporting anyone who supports employment. The Unions and Labour are responsible for creating a socioety that beleives everyone owes them a living and there is no need to respect your employer.Wake up and take a real close look at the crap that has been used to wash out your brain cavity. Maybe you'll realise that things aren as simple your comrade leaders would have you beleive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tab Sucker Moderating Team 32,303 Member For: 20y 9m 28d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 03/04/07 02:46 AM Share Posted 03/04/07 02:46 AM Lumpy is a communist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XR6T8080 Member 398 Member For: 18y 4m 23d Gender: Male Posted 03/04/07 02:52 AM Share Posted 03/04/07 02:52 AM Clap Clap nail on the head !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninka Donating Members 1,850 Member For: 22y 1m 29d Gender: Male Location: Perth, WA Posted 03/04/07 03:51 AM Share Posted 03/04/07 03:51 AM What an utter pile of To compare Labour with communism, is at best misguided, and at worst just plain stupid Life is good as long as you are capable of earning a living, but god help you if you get seriously sick or old, something which is definitely only going to get worse as the Liberal coalition pushes to reduce taxes at any price, even if those small gains felt be the majority evaporates just as quickly, because interest rates go up.The billions of dollars given as tax breaks (and just as quickly absorbed by interest increases), could have been used to make Australia's education system better, build better roads and other infrastructure, and improved our aged and medical care, all without adding to the inflation pressure, so yes, you can blame Howard for the interest going up, as he is over stimulating the economy.The Howard government claims responsibility for Australia's economic success, something which is untrue as well. Howard doesn't control our export markets, and we have seen an unprecedented boom in the commodities we trade, leading to good times for most of us, but has nothing to do with the governments policies.Australia has a reasonable balance in our social structure, but there is always room for improvement, and as far as the Howard government's record on the environment, well it is not really thet great is it.We could have full employment tomorrow, just drop the minimuml wage to $8 / hour, cut off social security and see the suckers come out for work. They wouldn't be able to make a living, and would have to work 2 jobs, their children not getting resonable education opportunities, and while we are on the savings subject, why not abolish Medicare (a Labour initiative) so that they could suffer some more.I travel a bit in the US, where life is great for the successful, but pitiful for large majority, who only have enough to get from day to day, absolutely dread the day the can't work, either because of ill health or age, as there is nothing for them except poverty and suffering. Funny how Howard all of a sudden becomes interested in the environment and Hicks when an election looms, where 12 months ago, nobody cared. If you actually took an interest, and had a look at countries around the world where salaries are high, and standards of living are good as well, these countries generally develop their brainpower, and get the high tech research, medical etc. jobs, and leave the unskilled, low value jobs to where low cost manufacturers don't have to pay much to get the job done.Do we need some fresh thinking after 11 years of Howard - Possibly! Can Australia be better than what we are currently - Definitely Do we want to model Australia on the US - ABSOLUTELY NOT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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