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Video Converter


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  • Member For: 18y 9m 24d
  • Location: Melbourne

Hello Everyone,

I know that you can use the ArcadeGFX in a Carputer to drive your ICC Color LCD, as the PC outputs VGA (31khz) and the screen needs CGA(15khz) video signal.

Now, I have managed to assemble a very decent Carputer, then decided to go another route with a ArcadeVGA GFX card, driving the standard Ford ICC Color LCD directly, as Panda and others have done.

Now, last week I spent in Bangkok, and stumbled upon a very decent Apple Mac-mini setup, Core Duo (Yonah) processor, 1.86gig dual-core goodness, small, very small indeed, very powerful - and you can use bootcamp to install WinXP, so you can dualboot with Mac OS X.

Only problem is that you have standard VGA output, but....maybe there is a solution: VGA-CGA Converter

Should work very well, exactly what we need, and the unit is quite small. Hardware converter, no software needed. And ability to adjust screensize/position etc......

So, I will order one tonight, and test on my Mac-mini, and let you know how it goes.

Should be a decent solution to a big problem.



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  • Member For: 21y 25d
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Now, last week I spent in Bangkok, and stumbled upon a very decent Apple Mac-mini setup, Core Duo (Yonah) processor, 1.86gig dual-core goodness, small, very small indeed, very powerful - and you can use bootcamp to install WinXP, so you can dualboot with Mac OS X.

Only problem is that you have standard VGA output, but....maybe there is a solution: VGA-CGA Converter



Yes, this has been done in the USA because I've read about it on Mac forums (somewhere). Good luck. Just a minor correction...the video port on Mac Mini is DVI, not VGA. This may make a difference. Mac Mini comes with a DVI to VGA adapter, but the connector on the back of the Mac Mini is DVI.

Not sure if it helps.


Edited by silverchris
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  • Member For: 18y 9m 24d
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Yep, I am aware that the port on the back is DVI+A, not DVI only, VGA (Analog) as well. Pure DVI port looks different.

This is why (as you correctly state) you can use the 15-pin D-sub connector (supplied with the Mini) to connect to the VGA-CGA converter.

I did not mention this because it is redundant info ;)

Thanx for the heads-up anyway as some guys may need this information.

Edited by MrBean
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  • Member For: 18y 9m 24d
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There's a cable, with proprietary Ford connector running from the LCD to just under the ICC, underneath the BEM module - you will have to remove the tissue-holder to get to it.

I am cutting of the Ford plug, and will connect those wires directly to my converter.

You can use std d-sub 15 as well, as found on your computer monitor cable, or you can get a Ford propietary plug to fit the one supplied - to much of a hassle for me, I will solder lcd cables to a sil-connector that will plug onto the converter.

Easy enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 21y 3m 27d
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I hope it's not too late but don't do it!

You can buy the plug for like 15 bucks. Aerpro make it and it is to suit the factory Toyota radio from early to mid 90's

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 18y 9m 24d
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Hello Bob,

Thanx for the info, but I'll rather use my own method. I am replacing the Ford cable all together with a better quality real VGA datacable, as I am having some noise on my display, and I believe it comes from insufficient screening on the stock cable - mine is a little damaged, as it is a 2nd hand DZ ICC I obtained from a member - the screening doesn't go down all the way, and is not earthed on any end - should be earthed at one side of the cable.

I am using the stock plug on the LCD end, but replacing the Ford cable, and wiring it into the SIL-connector on the converter.

I will give feedback tomorrow if it reduced noise or not, but it should improve display quality lots.

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 7d
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Isnt the VGA-CGA Converter converting the wrong way around? I thought our ICC needed RGB connection whereas most things are outputing RCA - combined colours?

I am certainly no expert - but would I be able to use that converter to feed an RCA connector camera into the ICC?

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