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Jack Collapse - A Warning

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Yep had a work jack sh*t its self too.

I actually used mine this morning cause I have anoying sqeek in the rear end (sh*tting me to tears)

Any way. I jacked the car up without the hand brake on and when I realised this (with the right rear already off the ground) put the brake on. Pulled the wheel off and had a bit of a look see.

No when I had put the wheel back on I started to let the jack down (hand brake still on) and I noticed that the jack was starting to move slightly over to the front of the car (top of jack moved)

It only does this with the brake on.

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I agree they are crap mine was in the correct spot, and I could tell it was over stressing and was about to buckle so I went and borrowed a mates good jack. My jack spot is now replaced by a subwoofer.

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Is there a better quality jack we can but that will fit in the factory spot? I've used my jack to change a tyre on the side of the road and we have to use it to lift the car up to get a trolley jack under it when doing other work in a garage. Seems to be holding up fine but it would be nice to have a better one in the factory spot.

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As I said ealier ive used quite a few different jacks from different cars and never had an issue, Im more inclined to say its a batch of crappy jacks that are doing this, but perhaps you could re-enforce the jack itself if your worried about it.

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I haven't ever had a problem with any of the ones that I have had in my cars, but I would like to know that if I ever do need to use it on the side of the road, it's not going to collapse. If there is a jack out there that will fit into the spot where the ford jack goes, I would be interested.

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