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Aftermarket Alarms!


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Hey all.

Just a quick post to find out if many of you are using any aftermarket alarms at all??

I didnt think it would be necessary with the factory system but kinda thinking I might get one after walking out to drive to work and finding my drivers window smashed and a few bits and pieces gone. No one at home or any neighbours heard a thing.

Just keen on one for piece of mind more than anything, if . If you do, what do you use, how well does it work and how much did it cost you?

I used to have an autowatch alarm on my GTR and it had motion sensors and actual alarm to deter theifs (unlike factory) and the like and I found it pretty good.

I wish I had an alarm this morning so it would of woke me and I could of caught the bastard in the act and made him bite the curb, lol.......

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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Mate, that's a bitch, but nothing you install is going stop the opportunist thief.

Keep your stuff hidden from view is the best advice I can give you.

Not much help I know.

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Mate, that's a bitch, but nothing you install is going stop the opportunist thief.

Keep your stuff hidden from view is the best advice I can give you.

Not much help I know.

As flukey has already said... not much you can do about the opportunist... sad but true.

Sorry to hear they smashed your window. Farkin pricks.

Jack :spoton:

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yep, catch them and teeth on the kerb the f*ck outta them!!

hey bud if ya find a brand of alarm ya like let us know cause my mate should be able to get it at good price through JB's wholesalers etc

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I know that if someone wants to break into your car then they gonna do it no matter what alarm you have but I sorta just want an audible alarm that might scare them off, or if not at least give me a warning so I can be out there with and try and catch them if they stupid enought to sit in a car looking through stuff with an alarm ringin...

As I said, just peace of mind. At least with an alarm you know something is happening, and you dont just walk out in the morning to find that your window been smashed - you dont know by who or what time they did it...

I was stayin at my girlfriends place in Noranda... Was on her driveway and my radar detector and tom tom, ipod were all in the centre console, and case of cd's under the seat so nothing was left out that they could visibly see, bar the wiring for the radar detector and tom tom.

Her mum and dads bedroom window was open and they didnt hear a thing.

What goes around comes around and whoever did it will get thiers... he probably shootin his nightly earnings into his arm right now.

Worst bit about it, was that when I finished cleanin the glass off of and out of the ute, my leather seats where still soppin wet from the rain going through the window...........................

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I had a 130db+ hi freq screamer horn on the inside of the car as well, wasn't real loud outside the car but inside your ears would bleed. From memory it was only $60 extra.

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