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When did the discs not be part of the hub assembly? From what model on? IMHO that's the trouble, the disc must move around (were talking thou here) I look at my XY disc setup ,seems more solid ,no room for movement.Harsan what do you think ?

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Guest OXR-747
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Well I went back the 2nd time for Brake Shudder yesterday, and when I picked the car up the Bloke told me if it was up to him he would have replace the rotors but Ford adv him to just machine them again and if the problem happens again then they would be replaced. Three strikes and their out :)

Harasn, It seems you get on the defencive side of this Ford Brake Shudder issue. I think it is great if Ford are going to fix this problem, but what about the inconvieniance it causes us to have to keep going back to the dealer unnecessarily, not to mention the money we loose not being at work (for some of us that may not apply). Ford should offer compensation for their errors.


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I'm sure I said this before, but if you put enough pressure on Ford they will fix the problem at an individual level.

And if anyone thinks that the problem is trivial think again. Harsan, please correct me if I was wrong, but you suggested it wasn't a big problem... I'm not having a go at you, more about stating a point. If the shudder is bad enough, and I had very bad shudder, could this effect wheel bearings and the integrity of the suspension etc by such harsh shudder. I personally would think it could have an effect, and since would not tow my boat because the brakes were such an issue.

My point is IMO they are a big problem, but talk to Ford first

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  • Used to work at the Ford Proving Ground!
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When did the discs not be part of the hub assembly? From what model on? IMHO that's the trouble, the disc must move around (were talking thou here) I look at my XY disc setup ,seems more solid ,no room for movement.Harsan what do you think ?

we went to that version on discs in the AU. Not a problem unless the wheel nuts are not tight! Its as strong as anyother set up and has been run on many cars with no trouble. DBAsteve is onto one of the main causes of brake shudder with the DTV but there is so much that can cause shudder ontop of that as well. fun and games!

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  • Used to work at the Ford Proving Ground!
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I'm sure I said this before, but if you put enough pressure on Ford they will fix the problem at an individual level.

And if anyone thinks that the problem is trivial think again. Harsan, please correct me if I was wrong, but you suggested it wasn't a big problem... I'm not having a go at you, more about stating a point. If the shudder is bad enough, and I had very bad shudder, could this effect wheel bearings and the integrity of the suspension etc by such harsh shudder. I personally would think it could have an effect, and since would not tow my boat because the brakes were such an issue.

My point is IMO they are a big problem, but talk to Ford first

me think your taking me out of context there in that I was meaning that cause it has shudder doesn't mean its going to kill you, the car still stops. might not be comfortable but it stops. I very much doubt its going to cause the front suspension to break as you haven't seen how we test them. I never said it wasn't a big problem. Unless you have atleast 10million in spare cash lying around! This is starting to feel like a harasn hunt. me outta here! :thumbsup:

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Guest dbasteve
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dbasteve is that when all the trouble started ? Sounds to simple to me.

The AU 1 had this problem but not on as big a scale

The AU 2 was quite good but still under braked

The AU 3 Same

The BA has larger/better sized brakes but has VT series 1 syndrome so far.

The VS/VR (First integral hub) had shudder problems. Brakes too small.

The VT S1 was a nightmare (heavier car) 70k and hubs were buggered.

The VT S2 was better with a change of pad manufacturer, hub manufacturer, and a slight change in disc design

The VX is O.K

This is only my opinion from cars that I look at, customer feed back, and sales figures for rotors

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Guest dbasteve
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Another question for you Steve,

Has the move away from asbestos pads had anything to do with it?


I think the Non Asbestos pads give the rotors a hard time.

Sorry can't expand on this yet.

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