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Guest stoney
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It will be interesting to determine who are most affected by brake shudder what type of driving styles or transmissions are most prone to the problem.. If you are like me and have a XR6 Turbo on order and wish you were driving it brake shudder or not hang in there I am just...............

Ive had mine machine at 15,000, shudder has returned at 22,000 have book in to get machined. Ford have acknoledged there is a promblem. That's good at least there's no denial. Just have to get the discs machined under warrenty until the problem is rectified. :D

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Guest Zak
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I think this threads is great, I am looking at buying and Xr6T or an XR8 (cant make my mind up) and you have all inspired me not to buy one, Why? to be honest I am sick to death of buying cars from Ford and driving them in to have one more thing fixed, I can remember the sh*t box xD that was always needing a new ignition mod unit or the one I had that everytime the weather changed it unlocked itself, or sat going up & down, up & down, or the AU that got broken into 3 times in 3 months because all you need to do was stick a small screw driver in it and pop it up and dropped half its price when you drove the thing off the lot, man these things went on & on and always cost me either time or money.

I love my Fords and always have but with the HSV's dropping in price, you really gotta look at their offer.



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Zak I believe the hsv's have there problems two we all know about oil usage,knocking noise,brakes could be a problem too.

All cars have faults. you just hear about some cars more than others. Do not let brake shudder issue clould your choice mate.


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Guest Zak
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Quote:/ have all inspired me not to buy one; I love my Fords and always have but with the HSV's dropping in price, you really gotta look at their offer.

Zak Quote:/

As I said insoired, I havent shifted just yet and I merely mentioned with the prices dropping so crazily on HSV you got to look at it, remember Ford are doing this not me, I spoke to the sales rep today for Ford and he said their is no such problem with the brakes and if I am concerned, spend the money on the premium, why should I pay for thier shortcomings.

He would say anything to get me into a car,

I have been quoted on both and XR6T & XR8 with 18", Premium sound, Momo etc and until they assure me in writing this problem will not become mine, I wont buy, funny thing is they wont guarantee me!

I have grown up loving Fords and all I want is for them to get their head out the A#rse and think about us, the long term supporters.


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Guest Ackers
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I have been quoted on both and XR6T & XR8 with 18", Premium sound, Momo etc and until they assure me in writing this problem will not become mine, I wont buy, funny thing is they wont guarantee me!

I have grown up loving Fords and all I want is for them to get their head out the A#rse and think about us, the long term supporters.

I agree with you Zak :blink: . As much as I love the XR6t & XR8, I can't stand the thought of purchasing a lemon that is only going to cost me $50k+ and then to be stuck with problems. I simply do not have the money to carry out repairs. :( As it is I am stretching the budget to purchase this car & I want it to run as good as a new FORD should, without having to pump money into the bloomin thing to keep it safe & stopping. Of course ford do not wish to admit fault as this is the car of the year. Can you imagine what this would do to their image? :nugget:

Basically, 'stuff the customers as long as our bottom line & reputation is not affected'!!!!!!! :angry:

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Just had my 30,000 service done and asked for brakes to be machined, again! The warantee work was cancelled as Ford had advised the dealership that a permanent fix was 'immenent' and that I would have to bring the car in again.

Our long awaited fix can't be too far away. I just hope it really is a permanent fix.

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Guest dbasteve
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bye bye zak

I hope you don't have any problems with hsv.

Drop into your local Expensive Daewoo dealers service centre and you are likely to hear that familiar hum of brake lathes doing over time!..... :blink:

This problem is not just only on Falcons.

It would be interesting to find out if this is happening on the local Camry too.


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Guest Trevor
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I was talking to the guy that ford get to machine the discs for them a couple of weeks ago (as mine was being done for the third time).

He says that the problem is very common and that he spends pretty much all his time between the Ford, Expensive Daewoo and Toyota dealers carrying out the on car machining.

So to answer DBAsteve's question, yes it would appear as though the Camry has the problem also.

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Mine goes in tomorrow to have the "permament fix" applied. They are going to machine the discs with the new lathe...they don't need two because if told them I want new discs since they have been machined twice. They are also replacing the SHIMS which is the fix apparently. Time will tell. Aggreed that it's just not a problem with Fords. My friend has a VY 1 SS and he has had his discs machined before 10,000KM. Zak...Give me the Turbo any day.....good luck with your purchase

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