NT TURBO Member 1,128 Member For: 21y 11m 24d Gender: Male Location: Darwin NT Posted 29/12/03 10:49 AM Share Posted 29/12/03 10:49 AM Guys, dont you get it, Ford's not going to do jack about this issue, they have had over 12 months to get it right and cars are still being built with crappy brakes, who every orders a new T should seriously consider the premium brakes. If what you say is correct - its been a year, the "permenant' fix has come out and some have warped brakes again, then the brakes are simply too small for the vehicles weight and they are continuing to sell the vehicle with this flaw then its time for those willing to put there name to a petition and approach Ford and or Fair Trading. Because I for one didn't fork out 54 odd thou on a car I'd have to upgrade the brakes on.If these 1800kg vehicles require premium brakes to stop reliably then that's what should've been fitted to start with, why bother offering budget so so brakes that last a while and warp. NO-ONE I have heard with premium brakes gets the BS pad compound building up on the disc. IMO that's a crappy excuse.Am I the only one who feels like this??If I have too I'll organise some form of action, unless someone else here is more suitably qualified - since I have none in this field. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TURBO4LT Member 1,533 Member For: 21y 6m 21d Gender: Male Location: NSW Posted 30/12/03 02:40 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 02:40 AM NTTURBOGreat idea we should all get together on this , mine are just starting to shudder at low speed and theres lots of build up on the discs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1axr TEAM BLUEPRINT Member 913 Member For: 22y 1m 6d Location: Perth W.A. Posted 30/12/03 02:50 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 02:50 AM ntI mentioned this sometime ago in this post and got no takers.it appears that most of the people on this site are made of money and would rather go and pay big money for after market brake parts than get to gether and organise some form of action.it's a pitty really cause if no one makes a fuss about the sh-t brakes on the xr's then ford will do squat about the problem and the next series will come out with the same brakes.COME ON GUYS LETS GET SOME THING DONE ABOUT THIS CRAP FORD CALL SUFFICIENT, EVEN THE SO CALLED PERMINENT FIX DON'T WORK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cam Member 397 Member For: 22y 1m 9d Location: Brisbane Posted 30/12/03 03:52 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 03:52 AM I agree, Ford should fix the problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrislak Donating Members 400 Member For: 22y 2m 13d Location: Sydney Posted 30/12/03 07:30 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 07:30 AM You guys should try and do something I dont know what, the one thing I do know is that Ford should be replacing the vehicles most effected with the premium's for FREE. My new car has only 170KW and my rear rotors are larger than the front standard's on the T's and not to mention it's 100 or kilos lighter, doesn't make any sence to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bloan Member 379 Member For: 21y 8m 3d Gender: Male Location: Melbourne. Posted 30/12/03 08:26 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 08:26 AM An Observation!To start at the beginning when the T's were first road tested I believe they had Premiums fitted! Why? Maybe because Ford knew the brakes were marginal!? Second, the brakes fitted across the board are the same as those fitted to a $25,000 taxi as compared with a $70,000 LTD,with maybe a differance in pad material for the taxis/copcars? (Prices stated are approx.) So I am sure this is just not applicable to T cars. Yes I whole heartedly support a class action against Ford as would ever member on this forum I believe. Although we should not have to, rather than put up with uninterested service managers & the hassle some of us would just rather fork out & spend the extra coin & upgrade. After having read most of the posts on this subject without Ford actually admiting & actually implementing a TRUE fix I believe the first course of action is to change pads only (more expensive/better quality pads). If this fails the next course of action could be the standard size DBA's in conjunction with the aftermarket pads. If this fails, you are left with no chioce but to go to an aftermarket brake setup or alternatively the Premiums or the DBA equivalent. I myself have just to started to experience the "SHUDDER" (12,000) & shouild this get any worse my course of action will be aftermarket pads in conjunction with the DBA premium rotors. Just my 2c. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dattoman Member 67 Member For: 21y 8m 25d Location: Perth Western Australia Posted 30/12/03 10:33 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 10:33 AM Call it a teething problem. It is a new model after all.Expensive Daewoo has run with ordinary brakes on HSV's from the word GO. And they have had shudder issues aswell as poor braking performance.Only those willing to pay the extra cash got the better brakes.As I asked previously.......if the price was $3k more and it came with premium brakes would you still have bought it ?Most car companies offer performance versions of their standard cars and the bigger brakes are usually an option or included in the inflated price. Such as HSV's products. WRX. Skyline. Generally people buying the "hot" version go with the bigger better systems because they know they need it.You all bought a "budget" performance car but didn't spring for the extra $$ for the brakes. Alot of you spend decent cash to increase the HP on your cars and still don't touch the brakes. Maybe you should have ticked the box for the bigger brakes......some of you are still ordering "T's" and not upgrading the brakes after reading all these pages of gripes.Maybe alittle of the blame should be shouldered by the "informed" consumer for buying something they know is substandard.Buy a taxi get taxi brakes.....buy a performance taxi spring for the performance brakes.Or maybe they will cure the problem with series 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NT TURBO Member 1,128 Member For: 21y 11m 24d Gender: Male Location: Darwin NT Posted 30/12/03 11:23 AM Share Posted 30/12/03 11:23 AM Yep 1axr, your idea from some time back and at the time I was willing to wait, but enough is enough IMHO the brakes are too small for the weight AND power of this vehicle and standard should never have been an option, they should've price factor the appropriate brakes for the vehicle not sold a base model to a bottem line, tough, their mistake and it should be rectified, a year is long enough to fix it and they haven't...................they're not gunna machine my discs every ten thou for the next three years.I will take some form of action.... on my lonesome if I have to....if you're serious PM me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teebone Member 183 Member For: 21y 4m 9d Location: South of Melbourne, near the sea Posted 30/12/03 12:17 PM Share Posted 30/12/03 12:17 PM Only those willing to pay the extra cash got the better brakes.This is not the point - these same brakes are fitted to all in the vehicles in the BA range as standard and so should be "fit for purpose".1) Non turbo vehicles suffer from the same problem2) Many T owners are experiencing the problem with normal driving3) the sales contract didnt say that you can have std brakes but expect "brake shake" with normal driving.I totally accept that for those that know they would be driving their cars very hard then the premium option should have been a tick on the order form but for the rest of us...........?I was very careful with the brakes, trying to minimise hard braking by reading ahead and ensuring that for the few times I did have to brake reasonably firmly I didnt then sit with the pads locked to the discs whilst stationary and so was quite disappointed and annoyed when the problem manifested itself (I wasnt aware of this forum then and thought I was the only person in the world with the problem!), so from my point of view fitness for purpose is a big ?? - (obviously they meet the ADR requirements but there is an implied requirement that they don't shudder) :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagabond Bored Member Administrator 35,722 Member For: 22y 3m 25d Gender: Male Location: Dé·jà vu Posted 30/12/03 01:09 PM Share Posted 30/12/03 01:09 PM A place to start.http://www.petitiononline.com/petition.html Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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