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Had the "permanent" fix applied yesterday at 9400 kms. Brakes feel good but obviously only time will tell. Never had the discs machined before this (waited for some sort of fix from Ford) so hopefully no more machining for a long time. Was told the same story regarding the shims as the fix.

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Guest BAnter
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As a present owner of a VT11 SS Commmodore, the Expensive Daewoo has as many, if not more, endemic problems - it is not a quality car either. For the size of model runs that Ford and Expensive Daewoo do, they just can't invest sufficient money into developing world class products. I was thinking about an XR6T, but after driving a 7,000km old ex-Ford car, I realised the quality is just not what I hoped for - a pity really, as its a very good car to drive, better than the Expensive Daewoo definitely. I just wish the quality was better, and I would buy one.

If you want a car that is very unlikely to have any endemic problems, the only realistic answer is to purchase a Japanese developed, or prefereably, Japanese built car. They have proven their reliability and quality consistently.

Have you considered one of the new Liberty Turbos? Now there is a car with excellent engineering and quality to match anyone. I've had two Subaru Libertys and would happily buy another.

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Guest Zak
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Spent my life driving Fords and I am a true fan, but stop my order today, told them given what I have read I dont want to make the purchase unless they garantee me the brake wont be an issue or they do a killer deal on the premium brakes, I dont disagree about the jap cars, real shame how it is all going, Ford is driving their consumers away, anyway I await the sales reps response.

most the other issues I have heard about dont bother me but Brakes, they are important arent they?

Bring on the fix as I am running out of time to purchase (got to decide soon)


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I heard a nice rumour today

Apparently some Subaru dealers are experiencing shudder problems in the WRX and are fitting DBA4000 series discs under warranty so the problem doesn't arrise again.

No basis for this rumour yet......but I found it interesting.

Selling lots of rotors to Subi dealers on the east coast Steve ?

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Spent my life driving Fords and I am a true fan, but stop my order today, told them given what I have read I dont want to make the purchase unless they garantee me the brake wont be an issue or they do a killer deal on the premium brakes, I dont disagree about the jap cars, real shame how it is all going, Ford is driving their consumers away, anyway I await the sales reps response.

most the other issues I have heard about dont bother me but Brakes, they are important arent they?

Bring on the fix as I am running out of time to purchase (got to decide soon)


The issue with the brake shudder is totally annoying but it does not have an adverse affect on the brakes actually working. If it did, you can bet anything we'd all have recall notices. I've driven a VT, 2 VT II's and a VX and all had differing levels of the same issue. Personally, I've had the coolant leak and found that more of an issue - potential overheating, possible damage to the engine and for some reason no one stocked the Ford approved coolant so ran a day on mostly water!

My advice would be if you really want the car, don't cancel the order simply because of the brake shudder issues.

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This one is for DBASteve

I now have the brake shudder issue at 8500km and was prepared to instruct my Service Manager to fit DBA 504X rotors and bendix ultimates all round.

He then told me that "Ford had a fleet of cars running DBA rotors and found that this only delayed the return of the shudder by about 8000kms."

He went on to say that the problem seems to relate more to the tension used when fastening the rotors during assembly of the car.

He claimed that machining them and fitting these new stronger clips that would drag the pads further away from the rotors would solve the problem.

This all seems a bit far fetched to me. I mean how can pulling the pads further away from the rotors stop shudder, if this is only noticeable when the brakes are applied?!?!?!

I assume given this explanation that when they machine the disks they remove them and use less tension when re-fastening them.

Hell I am confused about all this. I am having the permanent fix done, but dont hold out too much hope that this problem will go away.

If the commodores have had this problem since the VT then surely there should be some evidence as to whether fitting aftermarket rotors cures the problem, assuming that they are due to the same circumstances.

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I think this threads is great, I am looking at buying and Xr6T or an XR8 (cant make my mind up) and you have all inspired me not to buy one, Why? to be honest I am sick to death of buying cars from Ford and driving them in to have one more thing fixed, I can remember the sh*t box xD that was always needing a new ignition mod unit or the one I had that everytime the weather changed it unlocked itself, or sat going up & down, up & down, or the AU that got broken into 3 times in 3 months because all you need to do was stick a small screw driver in it and pop it up and dropped half its price when you drove the thing off the lot, man these things went on & on and always cost me either time or money.

I love my Fords and always have but with the HSV's dropping in price, you really gotta look at their offer.



True Zac, both Expensive Daewoo and Ford can't/won't compete with European and Japanese quailty, because of many reasons. Buying Aussie is very nice but also a bit of a lottery, you get a lemon out of every 2-300. So far after 18,000 k's I have had discs machined twice and the heat shield rattle, otherwise no oil/fluid leaks of any kind, no body squeaks or rattles, has never cut out or been hard to start or never had any loss of power problems in fact no other problems at all, the car has stacks of power, comfort for 5 people wonderful handling, good fuel economy, great road presence and great styling, In my opinion a step ahead of the lion at the moment, but this might change with the lion's new model. You have 3 years/100,000k's warranty to sort out all issues. This BA is by far the best ever Ford.

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Well....I just got my car back from having the permanent fix applied....the new shims. Ford machined my discs again...didn't need to and stated that in 30,000km when the discs need replacing if they last that long they will be replaced free of charge. Lets see how I go now. Fingers crossed.

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Guest EXR24T
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interested to know if T,s fitted with prem brake package have had similar prolems ie brake shudder? just a thought, joe average car only requires joe average brakes, may be acquaits to performance car ( especially if driven in a spirited manner ) requires performance type brakes , (in layman's terms MONSTER STOPPERS ). think about it, grooved or drilled rotors to help to disapate temp & gases,also to keep rotor face clean of pad debris. calipers designed to grip rotors with evenly distributed pressure!! brake pad material & construction. it's just that you read a lot about (prem sound , leather ,big wheels sunroofs & all the other accesories avaliable ) being fitted to your T's but very few with the prem brake package ! food for thought?

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As far as I know, the only issue with the Prem brakes is very loud squeal from the pads. Have a search around and you will find some threads regarding this.

As far as not optioning premium brakes, in my case the brake shudder issue wasnt known when I placed my order. So it was simply a question of do I need to spend another 3K on brakes (when the budget was already stretched) when most of my driving is simply work related ie around the city? Simple decision for me really, no one should have to spend an extra 3K on brakes for acceptable general driving. Track or performance work, yes, but not what I mainly do.

Having said that, if I ordered another XR tomorrow, I would option the brakes, as I am sick of going back to the dealer for machine jobs.

In my opinion, I think the stopping power of the standard brakes is fine. The falcon stops quicker than both of my previous cars (Magna sports and VT commodore), and the brakes last longer. And I had shudder is both of those cars (Late model camira every 4000km, magna once in 80000Km)

Once they get the shudder issue resolved I will be a happy camper. Else I will just spend some hard-earned and replace rotors and pads with aftermarket gear.

Oh yeah, I had the "permanent fix" applied last week, and managed to get the brakes shuddering again after a couple of decent stops last night. They last longer before the shudder begins (ie the whole drive last weekend), and shudder only appears once a fair amount of heat is in them.

Back in next week. Will keep everyone updated.

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