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Guest Kim Porter
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I thought I was imaginingthings since approx 8000k's..............but mine are shuddering for sure now at 15,000k's...........booked in for machineing next week.

Has anyone had a permanent solution from 'Mr Ford' and not a'Bandaid' solution???

Has anyone been given an upgrade to better rotors proposal (And pay the difference) from Mr Ford??? :angry::angry:

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Guest colinbond
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The new parts the dealers are getting is new brake disc machiners that Ford has made all the dealers purchase from the USA. This by the way was noted in a Ford TSB (Technical Service Bulliten) recently

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Guest Kim Porter
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Colin I hear what your saying but this doesn't fix the problem.

I phoned the Ford customer relations sectiopn today and they told me that their engineers were working on it and they would have a 'permanent fix' solution within two weeks???????????.............We'll see!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest colinbond
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Agreed but Ford have said they didn't believe that discs where being machined correctly by old Dics Machiners and Dealership staff. This is simular to what Expensive Daewoo went through years ago with early VT. I think it is a smoke screen myself but as I said I did see in the Ford Service Bullitens

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 10d
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My dba's are still working very well no shudder, people have been saying for several months that a fix is coming and coming, I wouldn't hold your breath for to much longer.

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 6d
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MY Brake shudder theory is as follows. I own a VT Commode that has brake shudder and I have olden remachine the disc several times with the shudder comming back after one hard stop. At a trade show I spoke to someone at DBA who gave me a Tech Bullitin that stated in basic terms that the wheel bearing hubs are the problem, not the disc. If you take a look at the GEN 3 hubs as they are know as, they have the bearings very close to one another and I would think it does not take much wear so that they are not true. In older cars the bearings are far apart and the wear situation much better. (I'm assuming the Ford BA is using the new GEN 3 type hub, not the conventional type disc hub in one, I'm not sure) It may be that the new design GEN 3 hubs is causing a problem for both Expensive Daewoo and Ford, but because the front pair cost $700 they wont replace it and even then it may be an engineering problem where it really cant be fixed permanently. Under hard braking the hubs trueness is really tested and then it affects the Disc variation thickness DVT. I wonder whether this applies to the Ford BA.

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 12d
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OK - Brake Shudder, Hmmm :nod:

As some of you may know, I fitted DBA Gold drilled and slotted rotors back at the beginning of June, retaining the original pads, and I was overjoyed with the results.

The joy lasted until about 5000k's where a very slight shudder started to appear again - DESPARATION!! :(

I PM'ed dbasteve for some advice, and he told me to discard the original pads, as they appear to leave some resin residue on the outside of the discs. Sure enough, when looking at the discs, they had a funny "mottled" appearance on the outside, and a more uniform grey on the inside, with the outside having pea sized plack spots all over the surface.

I fitted Bendix ULTIMATES as recommended by dbasteve, and over the following couple of days I witnessed the black spots disappear, and the brake shudder gradually improving.

I have now done about 1000k's since changing the pads, and the shudder HAS COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED :D

I have now spent a total of about $570 on pads and discs, and although it may not be premium brakes, they are a hell of a lot better than the standard package, with reliable repeatable hard stopping power, and oh yes, they did not come with a $3000 price tag :thumbsup:

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  • Member For: 21y 9m 14d
  • Location: Melbourne

It has been a while but YES, F.M.C has come out with a "FIX" for the B.A brake shudder, basically its another machine & torque procedure of the hub & then wheel assembly as well as new "90 degree" caliper shims.

Check with your local dealer for supply of the parts.

The comment has also been made that disc machining would be covered for the length of the warranty "If Required" & replacement of disc rotors after 3 machines or if they will go undersize.

This has been an annoying issue for DEALERS as well as CLIENTS and WE ALL hope this FIXES the fault.

(P.S - we were the FIRST DEALER in VIC to purchase the new disc lathe BEFORE F.M.C chose it as their preferred choice & had the engineers out at the dealership to see how we operated it !!!)

We had purchased 2 before it was decided to subsidise purchase to all dealers.)

Gives you a Warm Fuzzy Feeling Dont It ??!!

(Well you all know where to come - will have the SHIMS tomorrow) :whistle::blush:

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