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As you guys may already know I have replaced my front rotors with DBA slotted several weeks ago, last week I also had all my brake pads front and rear replaced with BENDIX ULTIMATE.

Chrislak, have you noticed a large amount of brake dust from the ultimates?

I fitted ultimates to our 300ZX about 12 months ago, as you say they are great pads, but they generate a large amount of dust!

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  • potty trained
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just been informed that a fix for the brake shudder will be in the field in the next few weeks .... :phone:

now we just have to wait ... (are we ready for new calipers and pads ? rumour rumour)

... the term "next few weeks" might take on new meaning as time goes on .... :(

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  • Member For: 22y 4m 26d
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I expect the fix will be new rotors of a different material, and new pad material to suit - I don't think there is a real problem with the calipers. Time will tell .....

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  • Flower Power
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I will be demanding new rotors and pads, now on the second machine job I can only imagine how much life the rotors and pads have left...

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Guest Mac_Dude
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just been informed that a fix for the brake shudder will be in the field in the next few weeks .... :phone:

now we just have to wait ... (are we ready for new calipers and pads ? rumour rumour)

... the term "next few weeks" might take on new meaning as time goes on .... :(

Sounds good!

My XR6T doesn't get built til October, so hopefully by then any fix will be built in! :)

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  • Member For: 22y 4m 9d
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Apparantly the fix is just a new way of machining the discs. The parts the dealers are waiting for is a new $10,000 disc machining machine. My dealer has the machine already but they are waiting on training. My car is booked in on Monday for this new treatment because they are getting the training this week. I am so sick of this problem. I've asked for new rotors but they won't give them to me.

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 10d
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Save your self the headache go and get a set off new DBA rotors with BENDIX ULTIMATE pads all round, you wont regret it. I have been thrashing the living daylights out of my brakes and I still cant fault them.

You guys will work it out soon enough that the fix is crap the dealers are dishing out to get you off there backs, the only fix that I can see happening is in series 2 cars.

I'm quite friendly with my service guy and he doesn't know anything about a fix.

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 3d
  • Location: Perth W.A.

just had my third skim done and had a sit down with the service manager, who told me that the fix is comming soon.

the fix is new shims for the calipars and a standadised on wheel disk skimming machine that all dealers will get.

they will not replace disks cause ford have told them to skim them and they will not get paid if they replace the disks.

my service department is as frustrated as there customers but there hands are tied on this matter.

it seems to me that someone higher up the chain in ford should have his arse kicked over this debarkle, hey Mr polities.

something has to be done before someone gets hurt.

sorry guys but that's how strongly I think of the subject.

I see that the brakes are the most important part of the car, especilly a car with so mutch power from standard.

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