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Stunt Driving Experience Special Offer


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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi Guys,

Back in August we organised a Skid Pan Day with Driver Dynamics. That same company is now offering us the opportunity to participate in a Stunt Driving Experience.

Kevin Flynn who is the Director of Driver Dynamics has sent the following to me to let you know about the Stunt Driving Experience. It goes for 3 hours and you have the choice of a 9am, 11am or 2pm start in groups of 8 people each start.

There's additional detail as well as a vid on the Driver Dynamics website.

Please post up to let us know if you're going so I can get some photos. But remember, you need to email Kev directly if you plan to attend.

Hey everyone

We're running a special offer for our Stunt Driving Experience to be held at Sandown on 24th March. We had a corporate booking that has since pulled out. So we have a venue, some stunt drivers, stunt cars, jump ramps, two wheeling car and ramps, in fact everything you would ever need to conduct a Stunt Driving Course except we are missing one very important thing.... STUDENTS !!!

On this course you drive our cars, we run through 4 exercises...

1. 180 handbrake turn 'Parallel Parking'

2. 360 degree spins on our 'Split Surface'


4. We take you for a ride up on two wheels.

More details at www.stuntdrivingschool.com.au


Normally we charge $335.00 for this course, but for Saturday 24th March we are offering it for $200.00.

First in first served.

Please dont PM me

Please send me an email if you'd like to come along


Kind regards


Edited by EvilDaifu
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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 18y 2m 10d
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  • Location: Macksville NSW.

Mmmm...that sounds like gangs of fun, and Ive got the money :spoton:

Any chance they'll do one in Sydney?, might enrol the missus. :roflmbo:

Edited by BionicXR6T
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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 18y 11m 18d
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I dont think I will be able to make the event unfortunetly :blush:

Sorry for not coming back earlier I forgot I was working in Sydney yesterday.

I think its worth finding out what it would take to run this event again though

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