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  • Iconoclast
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Its OK... You have had a drive death close to you and you have brought it a little closer to us.. Like I said I think we all have thought about our youth and our driving (and even the way we drive now)....

Unfortuantely this is the result of driving a car fast without lots of experience... We will never know the true cause of these accidents until they put black boxes in cars.. And that is probably not far around the corner..

Do you know that in a head on smash a speedo needle is designed so it will hit the back of a speedo and leave a mark detectable by microscope.. The investigators will know exactly his speed when he hit...

Edited by Blonk
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sorry again man I just re-read my post I shouldn't have said some things I said..your right.

that's interesting I didn't know that, but its already been established that the car hit at 120kmph. I guess the reason I started this thread was not too defend the driver at all, but just to remind people of the dangers (which is completely hypocritical as I am one that always loved hooning as such)

Edited by andyturbo
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  • Iconoclast
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And out of what happened you have gained some of the experience we talk about.. How many times do you read about people dying in car crashes.. This time you have "experienced" it...

Once again, thanks for sharing your experience>>

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Firstly, there are no ACCIDENTS only CRASHES.

A Crash occurs because of one or many failures of either a mechanical or oganic (human) nature, nothing more, nothing less. All involve speed, unless spacelab fell on their car.

It really annoys me that the RTA, Police and politicians seem to think that speed and drink driving are that only causes of fatalities on our roads.

It is as dumb as pedestrian safety. Lets spend millins of dollars on making cars safer when they hit a person. How dumb is that. The chances of anyone being hit by a car are slim, let alone one that is designed to hit a person.

We should look at natural selection and let the dumb people kill them selves off.

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First of all I am truly sorry mate and offer my sincere condolences.

Second of all great quote Blonk! that's something all of us young blokes can take home...

Mate, I am a med student and I am in hospitals every day seeing the results of young drivers on the road and their inexperience/missjudements/cockiness or just plain unluckiness. I am not saying any of these relate to your mate, I have also lost some friends in similair accidents. I am simply saying that often we vastly over estimate ourselves (what ever age) and sadly it takes an incident such as this for us to question ourselves. Beleive me if you had seen what I have seen you would never want to get in a motor vehicle again! But like everyone else on here I have a passion and that passion is my car. There is always a lesson to be learned even if it is from someone else's grave misfortune, as morbid as that may sound............

Sorry again mate



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Take the things you have seen with you when you venture onto the road and all should be well :)

I have seen too many morons get awarded their licences for being able to park, but they cannot drive on a freeway at speed nor mrege at speed to save themselves.

EVERY new driver shuld be Trained and tested via an advanced driving course, Be made to visit the moruge to see the results of IDIOT behavior, and spend a few days in a semi, to see just how dangerous it is when people cut vehicles off at lights to get "pole position" or when they carelsley change lanes and ETC.

The amount of people, both young and old that I have nearly cleaned up in the last two weeks due to their inattention and inpaitence is nothing short of lunacy.

Safe Driving all!!

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Aside from blaming everything on speeding, the other anoying thing at the moment is young guys getting their backs up everytime someone says 'lack of skill' or 'experience'.

Pull your heads in. It's a simple fact that if you are a new driver, you lack experience.

As far as lack of skill goes, they cam in all ages, shapes, sexes and ages. It all comes down to inadequate training. Someone taught to drive poorly, will continue to make the same mistakes until they are shown the right way.

When speed is coupled with an unskilled or inexperienced driver, things that they are not experienced to expect happen that much faster, greatly reducing their chance of avoiding.

I know, I was a dopey P plater and had heaps of accidents from 5km/h to 90. They all came down to being a typical P plater, invincible, etc. It wasn't till I did a couple of driver training days that I learn't respect for road driving. I haven't had an accident since (over ten years ago). As an upshot, I also attended some track says since then and managed to post times at the pointy end of the field.

Its about time that the various Govts actually started to target road safety, rather than look at how much they can profit from poor drivers.

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The real problem as I see it is that once a kid gets his P's he believes that he/she is a great driver when in reality getting your licence is only the beginning. I know I have a son on P's and a daughter getting them next week.

The system is a lot to blame with 2 years on L's and then the whole driving test/written and hazard perception that leads these kids to think they are a whole lot better than they are.

Remember you will learn a whole lot more in your first year of driving by yourself on P's than any driving instructor taught you. The real trick is to survive long enough to become a good driver.

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