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Edit And Warranty


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Another reason for stealth is insurance. No one wants their insurance company to wheasle their way out of paying up because of modifications. I know you are supposed to tell them, but I seen plenty of examples where Insurance companies refuse to pay claims because the mods they'd previously said were OK, are now deemed outside of their guidelines.

I originally got a Unichip only on my vehicle and was in the process of getting a retune as I thought I had a problem with it. Turns out the was a problem with the factory chip and an intermittent fault on the firing of all the cylinders. The guys at Dynomotive were outstanding as they had to take it back to Ford to get a new factory chip. It was still under warranty (I was actually in the last month of my warranty). They told Dynomotive to take off the exhaust and the new air filter as they said that those two items would affect the factory chip (yeah sure). It went back to Ford 6 times in total until they could not say any more and then (unfortunately) they said to the guys that "we know you have had a chip on this car but we can't prove it". the only reason was that by oversight the guys left a dyno chart in the glove compartment. Ford then left it on the seat when they picked it up just to prove they knew. So my experience is that with a unichip at least, as it leaves the factory chip alone, they seem to not be able to detect that there has been an additional in-line chip on the engine.

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the only reason was that by oversight the guys left a dyno chart in the glove compartment. Ford then left it on the seat when they picked it up just to prove they knew.

I dunno how many times I've heard that line now I've lost count....

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 23d
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I dunno how many times I've heard that line now I've lost count....

I didn't know daga - I have only just joined here. So you think that was a cooked story for me?

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