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Turbo Oil Supply Screen Cleaning

Ralph Wiggum

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Had the car in at Titans today and they said the BFs have a bigger improved and different type of turbo oil feed screen and refused to take it out as it will void turbo warranty so I left it in there. Put the FX 80-140 Castrol synthetic in the diff and it seems a lot quieter now at 50 to 80kph.

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  • Into the laaaake
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Just found my old screen housing, ive pulled the gauze screen out already, im going to cut down my HUGE 15/16" spanner and pull the new filter screen assy out and replace it with this gutted/cleaned one. I do very regular oil/filter changes with Mobil 1 so I dont see the risk in removing this filter. Its always got clean oil in it.

Should of done this initially.

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So the BF's have a 'New Improved' filter?! right......!?

I have a BF and have taken the filter out. By the looks of things, your damned if you do, damned if you dont.

Time will dictate the right thing to do but as many have stated before, no where else are they running these screens so why in our cars?

Im willing to take the risk, but feel the risk is far less without the screen, than with it installed.

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  • Into the laaaake
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Ill take a pic of the screen removed, compare my BA one to your BF.

Im removing mine, but will be changing the oil at 5000klms.

Edited by hanra
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I little more info,

A friend of mine owns a 6 sec drag car that runs a turbonetic turbo and as part of the deal with warranty, etc from turbonetics it has to run a screen which cannot be removed in front of the turbo except by turbonetics ( I believe they have a tamper lock or something fitted to them) the reasoning is that the best oil filters do catch particles but the particles do come some somewhere and not the oil you put in it.

It is the internal wear from within the engine etc, it doesn't matter how good your oil's are all engines wear. The filter is there to trap the larger particles which can cause a potential failure, the porblem with a road car is that these filters don't get maintained the same as a drag car. drag cars have there filters checked after every race meeting and are replaced if they are slightly blocked. I guess if you run without a filter then you are reducing the life of the turbo somewhat but if you maintain the filter then you are hopefully not reducing the life of the turbo as much. the other thing to consider is the filter also designed in the system to help slow the oil flow down a little, a turbo with to much oil flowing through can do more damage than a restriction. I have seen drag car where the oil was flowing to fast and restrictors had to be put in to slow it down to stop the turbo's seizing. something to do with the oil going through so fast it vaporises or something can't remeber to full details of what the engineer dude said.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Aha I knew there must be some logic to it. The service manager at Titans looked like he'd been shot when I told him to take it out of the R Spec. It made more sense to me to listen to them and just ensure the filter is replaced every 20,000 klm or so. Just because some people have taken them out doesn't make it right. On the other hand the ones on the BA could perhaps have been a better design or a little bigger maybe.

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I think you are all missing the other side of the story.........now many XR6T's have been sold in Oz and how many have done 100,000kms without a screen change and the turbo is still fine. Sure many have failed but think of the statistics. Replacing the pre-turbs filter screen assay and using quality oil is clearly the smart thing to do and manages the risk best IMO...stress IMO. Cheers!

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I think you are all missing the other side of the story.........now many XR6T's have been sold in Oz and how many have done 100,000kms without a screen change and the turbo is still fine. Sure many have failed but think of the statistics. Replacing the pre-turbs filter screen assay and using quality oil is clearly the smart thing to do and manages the risk best IMO...stress IMO. Cheers!

:spoton: although i do think a screen in a more servicable location is a good idea.


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