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Turbo Oil Supply Screen Cleaning

Ralph Wiggum

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What I did when I took my turbo and lines off, was to put your accelerator flat to the floor while the car is off, and crank the engine over for about 3-4 seconds, and do this a few times. The car will not start cos your foot is down on the gas. This should get the oil flowing through the lines I think?

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  • 3 months later...
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has anyone spoken to garret about this problem I'm sure they had a hand in the development of the turbo system

I heard or read somewhere (maybe on this forum) that they have the filter there cause garret wouldnt warrant there turbos unless ford put it on. Reason bein I beleive is some problem with removing all the sand from the block after casting them.

The way I see it is peaple are taking them off and finding small shavings of metal so they are doin there job really.

Replaced after a run in period I think they would be fine.

Ive done near 50k and I will be changing it at my next service.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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if you back flushed it with carby cleaner and compressed air (through the turbo line), would that do a similar job (provided you were changing your oil?

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Considering the standard line is solid and has banjo fittings on each end you'd have a hard time getting any decent pressure through it with either the carby cleaner or compressed air. Not too mention the left over carby cleaner that will inevitibly be left in your sump going all through your oil galleries and crank journals.

In short - no, don't do it that way. Either do it properly or get rid of it and get a remote filter like the one ETM offers.

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  • cj_ak
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im interested in peoples opinion on how to prime the oil through the lines before attaching to the new turbo

im in the same position as 'çivillian'

dropped off mt turbo for the ute at gcg to be rebuilt today, hopin to fit this long weekend

any ideas guys

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Take the relay out for the fuel pump, it will turn the motor over which will in turn push oil through the lines and motor, but it won't start the engine and move the turbo too much before it gets fully lubed. They don't need much though, so I don't think you need to be too worried about it at idle speeds

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  • cj_ak
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the relay is located in the engine bay right?

if so, once it is removed should I turn the key in the ignition to 'on' for a few seconds

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Yes its in the engine bay fuse box, once you've removed it, just crank the motor over, so hold it on the "Start" position for a few cranks - probably between 5-10 to get it all the way to the turbo

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