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I though of something good to add!!

Seeing this is a thread about Edit, what would the power be at engine and at wheels for each type of tune for a standard car.

Lets say 8psi, 10psi and custom!!!

Just thought that would be thing to add in a central place.

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you can get a new flash tuner on ebay for $495. just plug in to yours and when you download your cars program it is then locked to your pcm, but then load up the setting you want and go. No taking an old unit to be wiped and programs re-installed at an extra cost!

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Where would I stand with a leased XR, after a edit?

I understand, just reflash the stock tuning before a service, then upload the custom tune after.. But, where do ya stand, when ya car breaks down (hopefully never!) and gets towed to ford for a warranty repair ect,, then they find the tune is different ????

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you can get a new flash tuner on ebay for $495. just plug in to yours and when you download your cars program it is then locked to your pcm, but then load up the setting you want and go. No taking an old unit to be wiped and programs re-installed at an extra cost!


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Where would I stand with a leased XR, after a edit?

I understand, just reflash the stock tuning before a service, then upload the custom tune after.. But, where do ya stand, when ya car breaks down (hopefully never!) and gets towed to ford for a warranty repair ect,, then they find the tune is different ????

Ford would not know its a lease vehicle, but it still comes down to "pay to play" if ford knocks you back for warranty work then its going to come out of your pocket, getting the lease company to reimburse you for the expence would be an up hill battle.

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Where would I stand with a leased XR, after a edit?

I understand, just reflash the stock tuning before a service, then upload the custom tune after.. But, where do ya stand, when ya car breaks down (hopefully never!) and gets towed to ford for a warranty repair ect,, then they find the tune is different ????

mate I've got a lease car and they couldn't care less what I do as long as it's semi legal and I dont expect them to pay for it

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi guys hows it going?

Joined up to the forum not long ago and I got to say very imformative.

Bought an XR6T 9 months ago and loving it but its stock as a rock apart from some gauges which are doing me no just on a stock set-up.

Cut a long story short im hanging to get my hands on a flash tuner, despartly want some more boost, had no idea the factory tune was so low untill I got my gauges in and saw it only spools to 4psi which I think is a poor effort by ford.

Anyway wanting to know more about these flash tuners.

I have read about the 3 settings and am loving the idea of the 3 generic tunes in particular the 8psi tune and the 10psi tune.

Wanted to know from other peoples experience how they found the difference between the stock set up to going to the 8psi tunes and 10psi tunes.

Secondly with these two different tunes what is your fuel range on these two set-ups provided everything else is standard. As is im only getting 400km a tank (60ltrs) barely. What can I expect on a 8psi tune and a 10psi tune average.

Thirdly, with the 8psi and 10psi tunes are there any problems to look out for ie, pinging or value bounce without any other mods done.

Would a K&N panel filter help the system power wise and air flow wise or would there not be much difference on these to generic 8psi and 10psi tunes, not to sure what the options are for cold air inductions to the XR6T but wanted to try and keep a stock look, ie no pod filters

Your help in the area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.

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Sorry just another quick question, was reading on the forum that there were flash tuners available from a forum sponsor, cant remember there name nor were the orignal link was posted but rather than having the generic tunes in the flash tuner they came with 3 generic tunes from the performance company instead. What is the difference between these tunes and the generic capa tunes? Any power differences.

These flash tuners sold by the forum sponsor were on sale before christmas anyone know if there still on sale? And can someone please post me the link to the relevent form please.

Thanks all

Edited by BOOSTINXR6
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