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Wher To Get A Remote/signal Wire From


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Hey people can someone advise if it is possible to get the signal/remote from the standard amp?? (Premo sound)

If so which wire/colour?

If not HOW??

I know ypurv4 has gotten his from the ciggy lighter but I was hoping for something a bit easier as my technical limits are coming nearer :roflmbo:

Thx in advance Mike..

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Hey people can someone advise if it is possible to get the signal/remote  from the standard amp?? (Premo sound)

If so which wire/colour?

If not HOW??

I know ypurv4 has gotten his from the ciggy lighter but I was hoping for something a bit easier as my technical limits are coming nearer  :roflmbo:

Thx in advance Mike..

The ACC wire running to the factory amp is the one used to switch the amp on and off, but this is a 5V signal, and the ICC (head unit) is extremely sensitive to anything other than the amp being run from this wire. If anything else is connected, the ICC switches the amp signal off until it re-set by disconnecting it from power, so I don't think it can be easily done.

For my navigation system, I had to run an ACC wire from the Junction Box (fuse panel on rhs of cabin) to the boot, as I could find no other wire which would switch with either the ACC or the stereo.

Maybe others have had more luck, but my 2c worth anyhow.

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Until I got an aftermarket head unit I ran the remote wire off the cigarette lighter wiring. Although it does mean the amp is on the whole time the car is on, even when the stereo is off.

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I have used the cigarette lighter also, but I think that a wire that is used for the trailer can be used..

cant remember which one it is but its in a thread somewhere around here!!

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I built this little circuit, to detect when the head unit is switched on. Since the factory function is to be able to have the music playing without the key in, I needed some other way than ACC Power, to turn the amps on. It works because when the ICC is on (or the key on) the voltage on the speakers is lifted to around 5.5V over earth, and then driven symetrically from there. The 20K resistance is enough to ensure bugger all effect from this little thingy-ma-bob.

The resistor values are approximate and the main current transistor has a high current load, also transistor 1 is conducting when everything is off, so might drain the battery in 10 years or so. :gooff:

The main problem is there is a pop after about 5 seconds when the circuit drains, and of course at this time the amps are still on. Overall it's only noticable if you listen for it.

Edit: Spelling.


Edited by Putrid frut
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Sounds like a good solution.... I eventually got it from the fuse box....

The subs sounded sh*te so ima head down another path...

Im thinking dvd player with RCA's if that's possible so I can hook up the amps properly, and also watch dvd's through the premium ICC screen...

Is there such a dvd player out there to do all these or is this a common feature?

Can anyone recomend a DVD player that is capable of this and the output is RGB so I wont need a converter or am I askin for too much from the dvd player??

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Asking too much.

I'd recommend the Alpine 9861 (I run the 9860 in my car) and then a converter from http://converters.tv/products/pal_to_rgb_converter/236.html

They are based in Sydney I'm pretty sure. That unit will do PAL or NTSC to RGB and it does the change-over automatically if you change from a PAL DVD to an NTSC one.

Then do a search for my tutorial on here on how to fit a deck to the BA

It'll cost you around $1000 all up.

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