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Anyone Here In Advertising?

Scotty Tav

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Hi guys, I need to talk to someone who REALLY KNOWS what they are doing in advertising. I have an idea for selling advertising space/rights and I need to talk to someone who knows how to go about it.

I need to know a few things like:

What type of clients I could get?

Where and how do I find them?

How to market myself and the idea.

Where to advertise to get a client?

How much they would pay for it or how much I could ask.

I know this is a pretty brief description on what I am after but I don't want to post the idea on here obviously.

If anyone can help please reply here, email or pm my please.


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I cant say im a huge fan of advertising. Any chance the networks radio get they must flog off something. radio here in sydney now has an during there news breaks, and tries to mask it off as a real news story.

Then theres your nightly programs with messages on the screen about other programs that are on at other times. And sport, well when can you watch a good match without the network flogging to death the sponser. even the weather is now brought you by someone.

My final winge for a while.

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My final winge for a while.

Thank f*ck for that.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of paying taxes or getting out of bed to go to work either.

In answer to your question Scotty, depending on where you are your state govt will usually have something to be of assistance.

e.g. in Qld they have the department of state development which has a substantial amount of info on business start-up and where to go for info


All the best with bringing your concept to fruition :spoton:

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