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Insurance And Lowering


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my advice is this:

if they say they wont insure you anymore say no worries and ask for the money that you have already paid for this year back (works well if you pay yearly and have only used a few months up).. I rekon that they will continue to insure you once they hear you want your cash back. if the first person says no problem we'll write you a cheque just ask to talk to the manager or who evers pay it will affect when you get your money back..

if anythings gonna work with them that will be it especially if others here have lowered cars insured with the same company!

best of luck

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yeah I'm with SGIO and they said 30mm max, min ground clearance 100mm and the tyres can't sit within the guards... oh and have to comply with any state/commonwealth regulations.

I have lovells SL which are pretty much the same as the kings sl/ssl setup. I have just ordered a set of 20's in an attempt to make the 100mm min clearance. The front of the car has only been lowered around 25-30mm but the rear is much more so I might change the rear springs.

I have not told my insurance company yet.

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im with racv and they told me I can lower it aslong as its legal height.

its written on my policy that its lowered.

is it lowered more than 30mm?

yep.. dropped the front about 2' and the back about 3.5'

the car is still over 100mm... just.... I think.... :banghead:

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hey troughy I measure mine with 245x45x17's (about same height as 18's) with 2" lowered at the front and am sitting at 91-93mm.

My bros ba xr6 ute sites at 110 std.

I'd say your around 95 with the 19's or lower with a aftermarket cat??? give it the 2L coke bottle test.

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gday guys,

thought id give you all an update of whats going on.

the insurance company have been real :shocked: pricks about the whole issue and they havent even called us back despite several phone calls to them asking an explanation.

ive come to a soultion, obviously the insurance are going to be pricks :blink: about this whole issue so I cant argue, the car is booked in for monday morning to get hightened so that it sits 30mm below standard to satisfy insurance requirements. the only thing im hoping for out of this is for the insurance company to pay the $250 its going to cost to get the springs swapped over and new ones fitted. the chances of them paying for this are very slim but its only worth a try seeing they were in the wrong.

I will post pics up on monday FINALLY of the car, once its been lowered to fit within insurance standards. :Doh:


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f*ck em man, just tell em u only lowered it 30mm. I've never knopwn an asseor to actually get out the tape measure and check..



Great advise that is, he has an accident and the insurance company wont cover him.

Assessors are paid on a bonus system to find a way to reject a claim (at least they used to be).

Join the FPV and XR Club in Vic, then goto Torque underwriting for a quote etc, or Shannons.

Edited by Sledgehammer
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Today Tonight or ACA - Give them a call.

Then again you are now a hoon with a lowered car so who knows what they will do to you ;).

SL's in the front of your car wouldn't have lowered it more than 30mm.

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SL's in the front of your car wouldn't have lowered it more than 30mm.

I agree. I went kings lows in the front and super lows in the back and it would have only dropped about 20-25mm.

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