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Why Has Fpv Taken Off The Back


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Why has FPV taken off the back bumper mudflap that is attached onto the bumper, if you know what I am talking about. Looks like a mudflap that sticks out, on the Mark 2 bf they dont have this piece? why? and why no fpv badge on Momo Steering wheel?

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  • F6+300+
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and why no fpv badge on Momo Steering wheel?

Just that! Its a Momo Steering Wheel and not the FPV one. Not that there is much difference Apart from the price :blush: If you want the FPV badge on the steerng wheel you ned to order the FPV Wheel.

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Because the rear wheels on the BF1 where off set and could only be used on the rear (not the front) On the BF2 the rears are no longer Off set

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  • Iconoclast
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Why has FPV taken off the back bumper mudflap that is attached onto the bumper, if you know what I am talking about. Looks like a mudflap that sticks out, on the Mark 2 bf they dont have this piece? why? and why no fpv badge on Momo Steering wheel?

tur.. You have to be part of the very exclusive FPV owners club to be privvy to this information....

No go back to T land and dont concern yourself with exclusive design

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I want to know why they have removed the offset from the wheels.

This might explain why they have new twistie wheels as standard.

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  • Iconoclast
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I want to know why they have removed the offset from the wheels.

This might explain why they have new twistie wheels as standard.

Removed different offsets??

Because every single tyre fitter in the country will put the wrong wheels in the wrong spot no matter how many times you tell them.....

Then (god forbid) like I Have done twice, you damge your rim and sent in in to get repaired and need to get an alighment to make sure you are running true and tell the 19 yo that does the alighment about the different offsets and the fact that one is at the clinc and then when you come back he is argueing with the boss about the machine is damaged and that's why he cant get it right then the owner spends 2 hours on it and still s\doesnt get it right then you explain again the difference in 0ffset and get the book out and show them and they finally get it and fix it and you drive away, get your bent rim back 3 days later put it on and realise the tyre guy has swapped you wheels round cause he didnt understand the difference, so you go to get another alighnment at another shop caus eyou are away from home and explain to the owner of the shop about the different front and back offset.. Get your wheel put back on, an alighnment done, when you go back to pick it up the apprentice brings the car out and says gee it goes alright.. Pay your money drive 300kms home and notice... one front wheel is on the back and a back wheel is on the front... Wheel nuts are all over the place and your cds are missing....... So you go th\o the same brand store in you home town to explain the problem you still have and 5 hours later when you get your car back and they promise they have everythingt right and you stand in the carpark and demand the manager comes back (cause he wen thome 1 hour ago) and show him he has exactly reversed the problem and now has both back tyres on the fron, whe you specifically asked him to personnal;y check that the offsets were right... Backk into the workshop, change wheels around again, drive away and realise they have had the whole 4 wheel alighnement set up wrong... have to go back for another 3 hours lots of appoligies and an apprentice or 2 driving your car..

Maybe its just easier to keep them the dsame...........

And I would use a Jax on my car again....

Edited by Blonk
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The optional 19's would still have the different offset unless they went to the trouble of just using the fronts on the rear standard.

BTW how can you tell which wheel is for the front and back?

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