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What's The Difference Between N/a Xr6 & Xt?


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  • Member For: 18y 7m 9d
yep there not as nice as the style sides, plus in a style side items in the tray are more secure from falling off.

I plan on when I go to wsid for the second vist for this year, to try the weight reduction, when in the pits start striping a few things off. see how that goes.

Let me know id like to see the ute run I might race my primer monster aswell.

if you want to lighten your interior get a custom solid mount seat rail - stock one is heavy.

take out the passenger seat and the airbag

Get rid of the tail gate, sports bar and all plastic trimmings that dont need to be there.

if you dont like aircon take the compressor out, all the lines, heater core and all the plumping. easy 40kgs just there.

before you think about any of it just remember 6LBS = 1HP! so 30 odd kg = 10hp.

oh and ditch the tow bar if you got one.

Edited by Ruger
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I would like to go out there in about 3 weeks, or when ever I get rid of the taped intake :fool:

Diffenatley bring the primer destroyer out, have a few races, have a look at each other cars, share some stories. :w00t2:

It's looking better for drag racing now, the night gets cooler out west, but only when the sun goes down, before that, its a horrible oven.

About the weight reduction, I will take the sports bar, tail gate, tarp, passenger seat off. Won't bother with plastic trimings. I don't have a passenger airbag, I hate towbars so I don't have one (they hurt when shin bone when you forget it's there). Now the aircon..mmm sounds tricky, ill leave it there. I'll do all of this on the second meet to compare weight and times with full street weight.

If I was really keen on going light, I could search for a cheap alloy tray and take the box one off, 100kg lighter straight away.

I'm really tempted to get some mt et street tyres to aid in traction too.

About the seat, I would be keen to get a stock xls seat from a wreacker and lightening it up, I never use the pointless 4 way adjustable postion crap. (xls seats are the same as XR , just different covers)

So, when would be a good time for you to head out? :blink::spit:

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 9d
I would like to go out there in about 3 weeks, or when ever I get rid of the taped intake :fool:

Diffenatley bring the primer destroyer out, have a few races, have a look at each other cars, share some stories. :welcome2:

It's looking better for drag racing now, the night gets cooler out west, but only when the sun goes down, before that, its a horrible oven.

About the weight reduction, I will take the sports bar, tail gate, tarp, passenger seat off. Won't bother with plastic trimings. I don't have a passenger airbag, I hate towbars so I don't have one (they hurt when shin bone when you forget it's there). Now the aircon..mmm sounds tricky, ill leave it there. I'll do all of this on the second meet to compare weight and times with full street weight.

If I was really keen on going light, I could search for a cheap alloy tray and take the box one off, 100kg lighter straight away.

I'm really tempted to get some mt et street tyres to aid in traction too.

About the seat, I would be keen to get a stock xls seat from a wreacker and lightening it up, I never use the pointless 4 way adjustable postion crap. (xls seats are the same as XR , just different covers)

So, when would be a good time for you to head out? :sofa:  :w00t2:

HAHAHA The Primer Destroyer! awesome name. especially with all the scratches and dings and scuffs all over it it definately looks like its destroyed a few things in its life! The car is a mess lol not one panel is clean and scratch free

The air con is a dash out job and easy days work. be carefull when you take the seat out not to scratch the paintwork on the inner panel thing where the door goes.

Take the box one off all together :)

All the 4 way rubbish is all in the seat rail. get a fabricator to make a custom one wont be too expensive

A few weeks sounds good to me mate shouldnt be a drama ill let you know closer to the date though but I dont see any problem unless I blow something up (hope not :( )

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