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You Have 2 Choices.....


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I'm not buying I was just window shoppin...honest... :roflmbo:

But I found the following a little disturbing to say the least.

Imagine for a minute your standing on a lot somewhere out in suburbia and you have the following scenario both cars would be on the same lot for the purpose of the exercise...

Choice No.1:

Vehicle 2006 FPV FORCE 6 BF MkII

Price $67,250 *

Kilometres 308

Body 4 door 5 seat SEDAN

Colour EGO

Transmission 6 speed Semi-Automatic

Drive type Rear

Engine 6 cylinder U Turbo 4.0L (3984cc)


Choice No.2:

Vehicle 2006 FPV F6 TYPHOON BF

Price $60,988 *

Kilometres 174

Body 4 door 5 seat SEDAN

Colour EGO

Transmission 6 speed Semi-Automatic

Drive type Rear

Engine 6 cylinder U Turbo 4.0L (3984cc)


Can someone please explain to me where the extra $6,000 is going? :crybaby:

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Thought the Force had the Premium brakes standard. But it doesn't.

BUT it looks to me like that force6 does have the premiums optioned? The F6 does not.

If the Force6 had the red interior, that'd do it for me. I'd have it over the F6. (Yes, I'd pay a the little extra for the rarity.)

But I'd have to put my M3 mirrors on it. Those chrome jobs are atrocious. Gawd I hate chrome.

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Thought the Force had the Premium brakes standard. But it doesn't.

BUT it looks to me like that force6 does have the premiums optioned? The F6 does not.

If the Force6 had the red interior, that'd do it for me. I'd have it over the F6. (Yes, I'd pay a the little extra for the rarity.)

But I'd have to put my M3 mirrors on it. Those chrome jobs are atrocious. Gawd I hate chrome.

I thought they came standard with the red leather? Go figure...

I think the extra dollars are in the chrome mirrors...

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I was having a close look at the dealers at a Force6 and I could not see the value at all. I think FPV have made a huge mistage with the pricing of these cars as they only come with Leather as an extra over the Typhoon, aside from minor cosmetic things, yet they want over $6k more.

The Force 6/8 should be TOP OF THE LINE and have the 6/4 Brembos standard and Satnav as a minimum.

If you want one, buy a F6, remove the wing and put red leather :roflmbo: and save yourself $4k.

I know my dealer has had their Force6 sitting in their yard for over 3 months with little interest.

If you want one, just wait another 3 months and I bet they are the same or a lower price than the F6.

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