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Cruise: Up The Old Highway And Back Down Putty Rd

Lord Cyric

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Sorry to hear that Dan.. Hope everything goes’ well for ya... positive thinking and a loving caring family is a big help to overcome these things in life.

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I like that 3rd picture.

Got any more?

Not bad considering Sam was hanging out the window around the twisty's to take it :spoton:

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and another

I like that 3rd picture.

Got any more?

Not bad considering Sam was hanging out the window around the twisty's to take it :blush:

I always drive by the speed limit so he was safe :tease::Doh: ..I should have had him hanging out the passanger window wen I did my burnout on the private road a while ago :spit::msm:

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:blush: Well we are half way there fellas. Little tyke and missus have just been brought back home a short time ago. Little ones responding well to medication and appears to be out of the woods, she just has a phlemy cough and not the continous "whooping" type cough that can be serious. The GPid for me and the missus to pat ourselves on the back for not listening to the GP's who said she was just an unsettled baby. If it wasnt for me insisting to get her to Westmead Childrens Hospital where tests were ordered which ID'd the Whooping Cough we might not of picked it up in time and it could of been a hell of alot worse than what is was. Like I said to my missus our kids are like our T "built tough". :blush:

I'm feeling alot better to after finding out that even if my MRI does find an arachnoid cyst it is pretty common and its just a question of whether it wants to play up sometime in the future. If it does nothing they dont touch it, if I start going ga ga or become extremely violent than they would remove it. So Im feeling a bit better about it. :stupid: Thanks for all your good wishes, they are sincerely appreciated.

Yeh ZAP I totally agree man, Im glad you pulled through buddy, your mum and dad must have went through hell, I know we did for a bit. Yeh they do pay you but did you know that entitlement is also paid to the %^%$^$^& that can get an "EXEMPTION" from certain immunisations. If you dont have all the main vaccinations like you are socially and morally obligated to do you shoudn't get JACK! :blush:

My missus if one tough nut and she is swearing black and blue she is going to campaign over this cause it's just not right. Again I agree ZAP, IT IS CHILD ABUSE if your child is not immunised and especially if they contract the desease as a result of not being immunised.

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Good to hear that things are looking up :blush:

Agree 100% on the immunisation thing - it's just pure negligence regardless of what your beliefs are.

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