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Cruise: Up The Old Highway And Back Down Putty Rd

Lord Cyric

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sorry guys tried to attach some pictures and vids but it didnt work  :spoton:  :tease:  :blink: , will go and seek some help.

We all thought you were just trying to build up your posts count.

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:spit: Hi guys,

Looks like Im going to be held back a little in getting those cd's done. I have had a constant headache for 12 days straight now. :spit: Doc sent me for a CT Scan the other day which picked up a possible arachnoid cyst in me brain. Now I have to go for a MRI on Monday to confirm or deny if I need BRAIN SURGERY! :nono: Scary sh!t. To top it off I have just come home from admitting my 4 month old angel (yeh the little one you all saw on the cruise) into hospital diagnosed with whooping cough (as a result of %@&&@^#% not getting their kids immunised). :w00t2::laughing: Poor little tyke is up to date with her needles but had only one injection so far for whooping cough so she didn't have enough yet to fight it off. Don't know how long she will be in there for :spit: (Mrs is staying in there with her too. So chances are I will dissapear for alittle bit until I get all this crap sorted out. God help the pollies when my missus and bubs finally get home. She's determined to fight tooth and nail to make it compulsory for all kids to be immunised or for their parents to go back to the third world country they came from if they refuse.

Anyways sorry for venting my frustrations to you guys, this probably isn't the place to do so but I just wanted to inform you guys as to why you probably wont be hearing from me for a little bit. Have to put all my energy into getting this crap sorted out. I promise to get that cd done for yous all when I can get the chance.

Cheers guys.

Dan :spit:

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Geez Dan,

I hope you are ok mate. It is not nice to get health shocks like that. We are all here supporting you through these crappy times.

I also hope your little girl makes a speedy recovery. I got whooping cough when I was 3yo when I lived in Mexico. There were no immunisations in thoes days.

I agree about the immunisation issue as my 18month boy is up to date with his shots. We even got $330 from the government for doing it. No idea why, but it was a nice suprise. People who do not immunise their kids should be charged with child abuse, as their "opinions" on why they do not get it done is not supported by doctors or socioety in general.

We could end many nasty diseases if this was compulsory.

Also most daycare centers will not accept kids without their immunisation papers.

Our best wishes.

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