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Washed The Car At Home In Melbourne

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Where all dooomed :banghead:

The earth is farrked :biggrin:

When you really look at whats going on with the inconsistant weather now,Its definitaly showing the effects of global warming.The end is near :censored:

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7.5 milllion dollars on cloud seeding in SE QLD. Good value, dont worry about the millions of water leaks in the archaic plumbing leakingg Ml eah day. Go the Politicians, Oh yeah I forgot, lets all drink recycled water. I agree with you Hopoverm,an, the current governments have to accept some responsibilty.


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Where do they get their so called 'Spring Water' from? If we are in a drought how is it that the companies (like Coke and P&N) have unlimited supply of bottled water?

We just received 640 units of bottled water at work yet we are supposed to be in a major drought :censored:

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this is an issue ... coke brought out petes ridge springs a few years back and it seems that coke have sucked the life out of petes ridge spring so much that the local water catchment that used to get runoff from the spring has hit 14% leaving the gostford /central coast with no water.

adding to that coke use hundreds of thousands of litres of sydney tap water per day to produce there non springwater products.

also there are 4 alcohol production plants that I know of that also use bulk tapwater daily in sydney, not to mention other industry.

melbourn too :censored:

recycled water may be the key so may be desal but sitting around waiting for it to rain aint going to work :gooff:

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Ive got plenty of tank water 20,000 litres. filled up last friday after the down pour we got in Melbourne.(Soon to be 40,000)

Laundry, 4 toilets and dishwasher.

Sewerage treatment plant all my black and grey water goes back on to the garden.

The water police have visited my place after a complaint of me with sprinklers on my NEW garden. had to show them that the tap in question was from the tank and not the mains. he said I has to sign my property with recycled water in use and to paint my tank taps purple.

I have taps around the house to use tank water.

I wash the car every week and will continue to do this. :spoton:

I rekon that I would only use about 20 litres to wash the car with a trigger gun and a bucket of car wash.

If any of the peninsula residents really need a car wash let me know?


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Im in Vic country and we have stage 2 restrictions.

Can wash a car with bucket or pressure cleaner. I agree and I think it has been proven that bucket rinsing uses more water.

So I wet the car over with the pressure cleaner on a low setting, wash it with a bucket and rinse as I go with the pressure cleaner. I'm just not allowed to rinse with the hose???????stupid.

If we get to the point of NO washing of cars I have a large reserve water supply, my above ground pool, 36,000lts. The family has agreed that this is the last year for the pool as it gets little use now (14years old). So I will leave it sit until all the chlorine has gone, get it tested by the chemist at work then use it on the car garden whenever I want to.

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I think the idea of making us use buckets is to deter people from washing their cars at all. The extra water that is used by those that can be bothered to use a bucket is compensated for by those that can't be bothered washing theirs at all.

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I think the idea of making us use buckets is to deter people from washing their cars at all. The extra water that is used by those that can be bothered to use a bucket is compensated for by those that can't be bothered washing theirs at all.

The moronic government minister responsible for water restrictions was asked about the hose vs bucket issue and said he banned hose washing because he assumes every person that uses a hose leaves the hose running full time while they are washing the car. He claimed they would waste several hundred litres washing a car. This d!ckhe@ds name is Frank Sartor - enough said.

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When I renovated my house 3 years ago I had a 4,500lt tanks installed with a pressure drop pump. All my outside drains and guttering all flow intot he tank and then overflow into the retention tank. I wash my cars and water the garden twice a week guilt free. I have also never run out of water and find the tank is always full.

My friends and the builder said it was a waste of money, yet now everyone says that it should be mandatory in all houses.

I cannot understand why governments have NO FORSIGHT when it comes to the primary utilities we need.

Power, sewerage and water seem to be ignored until there is a crisis and then they make some knee jerk decision to "fix" the problem. Just like the on again off again Desalination plant they want to build in Sydney. They should fix the elaking pipes and work on recycling water before they build a bandaid solution.

Anyone can go to Bunnings and buy a 1-2000lt tank and install it using your existing guttering and then have water for whatever you need it for.

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