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Boost Solenoid Maintenance


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Finally did this in my BA T. Didn't get a big difference but could definitely notice an improvement in response, particularly down low.

Like others with the BA I found that the top tube was not clamped on, and the nipple was metal.

Was easy enough to do without removing the battery, however I did shift the coolant reservoir and remove the intake pipe to allow easy access. Didn't bother unbolting the solenoid itself, just constant gentle upwards pressure pulling the tube off did the trick and once WD40 is in there, its a piece of cake slotting it back on.

I too have a BA .. can I clamp that hose that goes to the turbo. What does it do? Mine is on really really loose. Will it affect power? I was thinking of replacing the whole hose. new clamps on both ends.

what do you fellas think.

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Got annoyed last night with laggy response down low in second gear so gave this a go this morning. BA with 99,000, as far as I know it hasn't been done before. Was easy enough to do, feels like it made a bit of a difference but It could just be me slamming my foot into the firewall harder for testing purposes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 24d

hi guys , just like to say this is a great Highly recomended thing to do!

I run 15 to 20 psi on a xcal2 comp, all the fun bits etc and I felt it seemed a bit laggy coming on to boost, thinking it was just me and buying more and more for her to make it feel better and better!

Ive now .... I call it invested about $10000 cost price worth of add ons for her and this would have to be the biggest most noticable, and cheapest even if you buy the most expensive silicon spray mod that ive done , really sad actually lol!

Not that im saying all of the other mods didnt give huge power and torque gains, but the simple easy procedure taking what 5 minutes is suprising.

Good Job guys!



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I did this today on my BF MkII XR6T with 8500kms on it. I didnt expect it to do much, as the car is new, but a few posts back said they noticed a difference when they did it at 7500kms!

Anyway, I think I noticed a tiny, tiny difference, but it is more than likely just a placebo. I pulled both of the hoses from the crossover to the turbo / intercooler off to get to mine rather than take the battery out. was fairly easy that way.

While I had the hose off the turbo, I had a look, and the turbo looks good with no play that I could feel on the shaft, but there was a tiny bit of engine oil on the inside lip of the compressor housing (between the blades and the hose connector). Is it normal for the to be oil there? I wouldnt have thought so, and it is worrying me a little!



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well I got my car serviced and asked ford if they do this proceedure. guess what?

THEY DON'T!!! they had no idea what I was on about...... then for them to tell me its a standard car (it is) and it will be fine with what they done.... ok buddy

So my plan is to do this on the weekend. fingers crossed I don't screw it up!!

The guide looks good so hopefully note, making the assumption that I'm not a uber noob.

Thanks in advance for the guide, I'll let ya'll know how it goes!

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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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you'll be fine turbs, easy as mate. recommend getting the battery out, made it heaps easier. brings the boost on earlier and nice and strong too, you'll definately enjoy it


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  • Member For: 17y 7m 26d
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Turbs, mate I agree with Dan, take out the battery, easy as to do. If think everyone on this forum has done this mod.


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