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Boost Solenoid Maintenance


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There are 2 hoses that run on to the solinoid.Is it the top hose or the bottom?

And what does it do anyhow? I mean it looks like a hose that's clamps on to a plastic tube. How does it move or whatever that lube helps it? Yes I am challenged.

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did this last night 2 mine...it is awesome...deffinitely pulls hard as now....hasnt gone that hard since ive owned it.I would definitley recommend this 2 all T owners!!!I dont hav small hands but I could do it wit the battery in....was quite fiddley but eventually once I could c wat had 2 b done took like 5mins....I dont do that much tricky stuff under the bonnet but I found this pretty easy... if it starts 2 stop working ill jus do it again...it deffinitely pulls harder everywhere in the rev range...spools quicker....its great!

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did this last night 2 mine...it is awesome...deffinitely pulls hard as now....hasnt gone that hard since ive owned it.I would definitley recommend this 2 all T owners!!!I dont hav small hands but I could do it wit the battery in....was quite fiddley but eventually once I could c wat had 2 b done took like 5mins....I dont do that much tricky stuff under the bonnet but I found this pretty easy... if it starts 2 stop working ill jus do it again...it deffinitely pulls harder everywhere in the rev range...spools quicker....its great!

I found an easier way to do it. I took the car to KPM and they did it for me. :stupid:

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There are 2 hoses that run on to the solinoid.Is it the top hose or the bottom?

I can vouch for the effectiveness of this simple mod.

Took the MKII Turbs to the dealer today and had them do this.

DEFINANTLY can notice the difference.

The boost comes on harder and stronger and the car feels fantastic.

What a great little thing to pick up.

Well done!

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Did this today. Was very thorough. Removed the whole solinoid, the vac lines etc. Cleaned the whole lot out with wd40/brakeclean. Don't actually know if there was an improvement because of this though. The reason being that the line returning from the intercoller to the throttlebody was half off :blink: . I have no idea why I never heard this from inside the car :blush: . So replaced this, put DECENT clamps on all the lines carrying boosted air and the thing goes like an absolute rocket now :w00t2: .

Also turned the stealth fx BOV down to nearly nothing cos it used to sh*t me :spoton:

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Hi people

I did this to my car about 3 months ago big difference, BUT the next morning the car started to go like my dads EA. You can hear boost come on, but no BOV sounds at all. I put a boost tacho on it last week and the car was only showing 2psi from 2000rpm til 4000rpm when it hit 6000 rpm (red line) it hits 3 psi.

Could I have pulled the hose of the turbo when doing the mod? will this be the cause of my T goin like sh@t?


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I tried to take the battery out, but the box is f'd! how the hell are you supposed to get it out?? :spoton: anyway. I just disconnected the intercooler pipe, undid the bolt and it was more than enough room to get in there.

after spraying some wd40 in there, I noticed the bottom line was fell off the turbo end. it didn't have a clamp or anything. would you recommand clamping this hose?

took it for a drive, I didn't know if there was an improvement (driving festiva all day - anything is improvement) but it sort of does feel that there is better acceleration.

good stuff zap. I know this thread is fairly old, so has anyone decided how often this maintenance should be done?



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