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Boost Solenoid Maintenance


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Resulting in gooey substances?

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 16d

Not knowing older models but on the FG this is very easy to do. Just like others who have posted I just used the vacuum hose on the compressor housing to the solenoid.

Step 1. Remove intercooler pipe from turbo compressor to intercooler. This just provides for easy access to the vacuum hose.

Step 2. Then disconnect the vac hose on the compressor housing spray WD40 or Throttle bottle cleaner into the hose. Let it sit and foam and then repeat a couple of time for good measure. Then reconnect it.

So don't have to stuff around removing brackets batteries etc.

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  • Member For: 12y 6m 3d
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I found my ba had no boost solarnoid hooked up vac line went straight from turbo to waste gate. Got a new one but no idea which hose go where on the solarnoid ford only think hose from

Waste gate goes near spot with the plug and turbo vac line is the right angle one????

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 12y 5m 16d
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  • Location: sydney

ok bathurst morning, had a bit of time as I got up early so decided to do the boost solenoid thingy.

left battery in car and took off intercooler pipe,I also moved a few things for a clearer path to it as its pretty tucked away.

undone the bolt(10mm) with long extension 1/4 drive I just clipped the actual solenoid out of the metal bracket and then unplugged the 2 hoses and the push on electrical connection.




just hit everything with WD-40 cleaned solenoid and sprayed down hoses and gave them a good soak ,just put everything back together, hardest part was the bottom intercooler clamp as it was one of those spring type,prob should just replace it to the screw type.

ok I let the car idle for about 3-5 mins jumped in and took it for a spin.

car is completely stock apart from air box mod and k&n panel filter, didn't notice much difference down low but mid range was a bit stronger ,after a few hits it suffered from the stock cooler so that was that . ill give it a go later on, over all a pretty easy job allow yourself up to 40 min, if your not mechanically minded , next time I do it wont take more than 10-15 min as I left off the bracket and just cable tied it to a hose.

Edited by tresurehunt
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