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Queensland Raceway Fun Day.


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Do we need a certain amount of people to make this happen or just the more people that go the cheaper it gets for everyone? Can't wait for this hope I can sell my car quickly and get myself into a T. How do insurance companies view track days?

I think it gets cheaper the more people that do it, but there is a certain amount of cars they will allow on the track at one session. But I am sure more details will follow from the organisers soon!

Insurance companies don't generally insure your car when it is on the track, but I have heard of some insurance companies insuring the car for the day it is on the track for an extra fee. I heard this off a friend of mine so I don't know which company does it, but it would be best to speak with your insurance company.

Personally, I think there is little risk of damage on the track - providing you are sensible with your car and drive within yours and the cars limits. But like the road in general, anything can happen, so best to check.

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Count me in.

As for insurance I contacted NRMA about a drive day at Eastern Creek, a definate No was the answer, some companies may insure on certain organised track days like L plate driver education programs etc but for open speed limit :roflmbo: I'd also suggest everyone particpating remove ther number plates as there is often photographers on track, (you may find your pics on the net) even insurance guys as some companies will void your entire policy if they are aware you take your car to track days even if you dont bend it. So take your plates off & Dont bend it.

That been said doesnt Willowbank only have one wall to hit? Main straight, otherwise plenty of run off except other cars.

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 4d
Count me in.

As for insurance I contacted NRMA about a drive day at Eastern Creek, a definate No was the answer, some companies may insure on certain organised track days like L plate driver education programs etc but for open speed limit  :spoton: I'd also suggest everyone particpating remove ther number plates as there is often photographers on track, (you may find your pics on the net) even insurance guys as some companies will void your entire policy if they are aware you take your car to track days even if you dont bend it. So take your plates off & Dont bend it.

That been said doesnt Willowbank only have one wall to hit? Main straight, otherwise plenty of run off except other cars.

QLD Raceway is pretty good as there is run off in most areas, but there is the pit wall down the main straight, and also the side wall (with a fair bit of run off I might add) past turn 2 on the back straight.

Have only seen one guy go into the wall in the last couple of years, and that was because a ford gt40 lost its oil coming into turn one, and an XR6 trailing behind hit the oil and went straight into the wall. It happens, but that was a fluke considering a following GT40 and a Ferrari just spun into the gravel trap past the first corner.

But yeah I would say, from personal experience that it is one of the safest tracks around, and as long as everyone races within their limits and stays sensible on the track, then there shouldn't be any incidents.

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 4d
Sounds good. Whats the deal with passengers/spectators?

Normally passengers aren't allowed in the car when you are out on the racetrack. That said, the last session of sprints at QLD Raceway, they let people take on passengers at the end of the session as we finished early. If they do allow it then passengers will need to wear a helmet for the session. They may let us do it at the end, but will have to check with the organisers for this one.

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  • Sucker
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Sounds awesome Shanus :censored:

Will wait on the date before throwing my name up though - end of financial year time for me :banghead:

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dont have to pull out man, would be interesting to see the difference between an NA and the turbos... and hell, just do it for fun.... :-) im thinking about going out for it and I have an NA....

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  • Mushroom
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dont have to pull out man, would be interesting to see the difference between an NA and the turbos... and hell, just do it for fun.... :-) im thinking about going out for it and I have an NA....


No need for you to pull the pin dude.

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