Laner Former MPS3 Driver! Donating Members 735 Member For: 18y 14d Gender: Male Location: East Ballina NSW Posted 19/02/07 08:58 AM Share Posted 19/02/07 08:58 AM ok, here's my opinion, I drove a 14sec xw gt whilst on my p's, way past them now, it was immaculate and always looked 100%....never had 1 hastle, my previous ride b4 the T was a 95 honda civic fully modded, lowered 3' on 17's but all other mods were legal (seen the b.s the cops can dish with my little bro's turbo tx3) the honda was a cop magnet, now in the long run, I guess I knew 2 expect it in the civic, but considering im now 30, I aint a hoon no more, I came 2 the conclusion that, a immaculate xw was more classy and therefore, less likely 2 be flogged than a dirty little civic.....all said and done, the gt was probly more defectable than the civic, but as I said, nuffin......I guess even mr plod has taste aye?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sinnkexr6t Member 291 Member For: 18y 7m 30d Gender: Male Location: Melbourne, Hampton Park Posted 19/02/07 09:14 AM Share Posted 19/02/07 09:14 AM I ran through the red light on pricess hwy. There was two set of lights and for some reason I though it was green on first set but actually it was red and green was on the other lights futher down The thing is cops were doing U-turn when I went though the red light! if they were couple of seconds faster I would have smashed right into them. Obviously they freaked out and pulled me over...policeman asked me wtf you think you doing lol and I told him I got mixed up with he lights and stuff, he didnt even fine me or anything not even breath teset. My conclusion is if your honest and not being cocky the chances are that they'll be nice to you and let ya go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maximus Member 1,627 Member For: 17y 11m 18d Gender: Male Location: Slip Sliding Away Posted 19/03/07 07:09 AM Share Posted 19/03/07 07:09 AM A few years ago my dad & I were driving down Burwood Hwy in F.T.G in his HSV late one night and the cops pulled up next to us at the lights.My dad has tattoo's and doesn't look like the type of guy who would own a car like that, so when we pulled away from the lights the cops pulled in behind us and pulled us over.They asked whos car it was, licence check all that sort of stuff and then let us go.Now I know if he was a business suit wearing guy he wouldn't have been pulled over.It was both the car and the driver that night.Every cop is different, I guess its just depends on which one you get on the night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EZ2CME Formerly XR6NA Member 3,512 Member For: 19y 2m 30d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 19/03/07 08:26 AM Share Posted 19/03/07 08:26 AM I haven't been pulled over by the cops once yet in the T even when driving beside them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YPURV4 KILL,KILL,KILL,DIE,DIE,DIE, Member 2,813 Member For: 18y 9m 25d Gender: Male Posted 19/03/07 08:33 AM Share Posted 19/03/07 08:33 AM I haven't been pulled over by the cops once yet in the T even when driving beside them.←You have only had it for a couple of months, give it time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagabond Bored Member Administrator 35,722 Member For: 22y 3m 15d Gender: Male Location: Dé·jà vu Posted 19/03/07 04:02 PM Share Posted 19/03/07 04:02 PM Now I know if he was a business suit wearing guy he wouldn't have been pulled over.←Holy crap we've got a mind reader on the forum..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veczar Gold Platinum Member Member 1,081 Member For: 20y 8m 3d Gender: Male Location: Victoria Posted 22/03/07 02:42 AM Share Posted 22/03/07 02:42 AM I thought the XR6T (stock) was just over the VIC P plate power to weight ratio (meaning you can't drive it on you P's)??Well that's what I tell my brother when he wants to drive mine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ford268 Member 140 Member For: 18y 1m 14d Posted 23/03/07 08:26 AM Share Posted 23/03/07 08:26 AM I lost my license 1 month after I got it for 6 months, ive had it back for nearly 2 years now and since then I have drivin like an old mole but yet when its a 50 k zone and im doin 50 I get people tail gating or bippin the horn cause im driving to slow for them, but there quick to have a go at p platers when we speed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 10d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 26/03/07 01:01 AM Share Posted 26/03/07 01:01 AM Yes you just cant win these days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kraddy Member 21 Member For: 17y 10m 29d Location: Tootgarook, Mornington Peninsula, VIC Posted 03/04/07 12:05 PM Share Posted 03/04/07 12:05 PM I disagree sorry mate. I've been pulled over in the wee small hours (left nightshift early) and PC Plod freely admitted it was because of the car. My argument was that I wouldn't be doing 55 km/h if I was out for trouble and his argument was that he was just doing the right thing which I agreed with. If my T had been stolen and they hadn't pulled the car over then I would have been spewing. I had nothing to hide and was glad to provide a breath sample but the bottom line was if I'd been driving the missus' car then there wouldn't have been a roadside discussion.←The problem wasn't really the car you were driving, it was the hours you were driving. My missus and I have been pulled over heaps in her '03 lancer, and even in the old little laser. Simply because we were driving around at 4:30am and one of the few cars on the road. A cop isn't gonna target an XR over any other normal road car during normal daylight hours.The cop might have admitted that he pulled you over because of your car, but in reality, most cops out and about at that hour will pull cars over, regardless of the model. Personally, I think the cops target the older cars like commodores/falcons etc etc with cut springs, chopped exhausts and stuff. If your XR is relatively standard looking most cops don't give it a second look, they're so common now.Coldnt agree more mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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