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Cops, P Platers & Xr6 Turbos


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 8d
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Yeah I read that somewhere too... You can add a supercharger to that list also...

I reckon its stupid to be able to drive for example a N/A xr6 wich has about 190kw I think and its illegal to drive a supercharged VY for example which has less power around the 170kws

I dont care though as im off my P's hahahaha

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  • Member For: 18y 4m 30d
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I'm still on my P's, and have been driving mine for about 2 months and haven't been pulled up once. Just don't drive like a dickhead and you'll be fine. These cars are too good to thrash anyway :spoton:

I agree completely im 26 myself, but when I was on my p's I was getting pulled over all the time, nothing to do with the car, just driving like an idiot, as a lot of p platers do.

havnt been pulled over once in the XR6T, drive sensible and you have no problems, if you think about opening it up before you do it, I.e. where you do it, and what time of day you do it - you'll be fine.

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 9d
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I got pulled over for RBT the other day.. and the first thing the cop said was "g'day mate, whats been done to this?" I thought oh great here we go, he's gonna go over my car and pick me up on things. So I said "not much" and he's like "oh, just the 'wog' cooler?"

at this stage I've pretty much sussed out that he knows a thing or two about mods on the Ts, so I said yeah an ASE cooler and few bits and pieces.. we got chatting and I ended up telling him the list of mods and then he was curious on the power it was making, so I fessed up to that too. Told him how much it cost, and all he did was shake his head and agreed that these cars are great bang for buck :spoton:

and then I was on my way. they're not all bad, he was a good bloke.

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  • Member For: 18y 10m 4d
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I just turned 20 and have had my T since I was 19 and havent been pulled over once not even for a RBT but I have left the car stock looking. Like other's have already said the T hasn't got the reputation (yet) of other cars like skylines, vls, and wrx's mainly due to the lack of bogan and fully sick drivers, so yeah in my case can't bash the cops for "picking" on me.

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 4d
Since P-Platers are still alowed to drive SOME v8's Eg. Older 5.0 Litre Commy's.. Consider youself owned linguistically.

My bad - I could have sworn that I had read about the total exclusion of V8s in my road rules book, but going back and having a look I can't find anything. Meh.

but as far as linguistics, allowed has two "l's" and yourself has an "r" in it. :roflmbo:

Edited by bunna
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  • Member For: 21y 3m 22d
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Since P-Platers are still alowed to drive SOME v8's Eg. Older 5.0 Litre Commy's.. Consider youself owned linguistically.

My bad - I could have sworn that I had read about the total exclusion of V8s in my road rules book, but going back and having a look I can't find anything. Meh.

but as far as linguistics, allowed has two "l's" and yourself has an "r" in it. :roflmbo:

damn got me back.. :spoton:

anyway all good mate.. the rules suck bad, but what can you do. I get my p's in march '08 and my dreams of owning a turbo car have been shattered :msm:

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anyway all good mate.. the rules suck bad, but what can you do. I get my p's in march '08 and my dreams of owning a turbo car have been shattered :tease:

yeah, but the rules are there for a fairly good reason. Still, now you'll just have to think a little harder about what car you want to drive. Power to weight will become a massive consideration.

I've only got a year to go on my P's, so I can (relatively) do as I please, although I think I'll shelve any plans I had for getting an XR6T (I drive a TX3 at the moment) and I'll get something a little bit different (read: less potentially common - I fear the XR6T will become the new VL within a very short time, as they're getting alarmingly cheap), such as a liberty turbo (looking at the B4) before eventually moving onto a phoon, once the salary allows. <div class='bbimg'>


All the new laws mean for you is that you've got an extra 3 years (or is it longer now?) to save up for a better car to drive once you're off them. You don't want a monster of a car when you're just starting to drive, heck, even when you've been driving for a year or 2, as its fairly likely that you'll do yourself (and others) some harm.

Edited by bunna
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 9d
  • Location: Canberra
anyway all good mate.. the rules suck bad, but what can you do. I get my p's in march '08 and my dreams of owning a turbo car have been shattered :stirthepot:

yeah, but the rules are there for a fairly good reason. Still, now you'll just have to think a little harder about what car you want to drive. Power to weight will become a massive consideration.

I've only got a year to go on my P's, so I can (relatively) do as I please, although I think I'll shelve any plans I had for getting an XR6T (I drive a TX3 at the moment) and I'll get something a little bit different (read: less potentially common - I fear the XR6T will become the new VL within a very short time, as they're getting alarmingly cheap), such as a liberty turbo (looking at the B4) before eventually moving onto a phoon, once the salary allows. <div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>


All the new laws mean for you is that you've got an extra 3 years (or is it longer now?) to save up for a better car to drive once you're off them. You don't want a monster of a car when you're just starting to drive, heck, even when you've been driving for a year or 2, as its fairly likely that you'll do yourself (and others) some harm.

I agree :Doh: I learnt the hard way unfortunately :msm:

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