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Cops, P Platers & Xr6 Turbos


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  • Member For: 20y 5m 21d
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All im saying is that P plater's do cop harrasment and you cant seem to grasp that it dose happen, yes some ask for it but others dont.

You are just stereotyping P plater's.

Oh yeah I forgot it donst mater what I or any one else thinks because you must be right, and where all full of it.

its true that P platers do cop a bit of un-necessary harrasment by the police, when I was on my P's a couple of years back I got pulled over regularly and car checked over trying to defect me never to their dismay got me for anything! one copper even tried to accuse me of "racing the car next to me doing 90+ in a 60 zone" funnily enough I was "cruising" besides my friends BEHIND a bank of cars 5 or so deep!! so unless im gunn a jump over them theres no way I couldve been speeding. and I argued this and he knew he was wrong so he left after practically threatening my day will come...

well now im on my full license I barely ever get pulled over, and I will admit im now walking for 12 months but got royally busted good and proper which I accept fully.

all in all, cops do target the P platers, but most of the P platers do need a good ass kicking to get their heads around the fact their not brocky behind the wheel as much as they think they are.

if u wanna be a wa*ker, go out on the backroads atleast where u cant kill any innocent people..

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Officer pulled up next to me at a set of lights in northcote looked at my car and gave me a thumbs :)

Strange that considering he was driving a silver VZ SS!

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if u wanna be a wa*ker, go out on the backroads atleast where u cant kill any innocent people..

The problem with that comment Toilet biscuit, is the where you live, out on some backroad, a silly f*cker cleaned up a dozen or so people, and killed 5.

I used to always say that I was an obedient driver, cos all I ever did was speed, drink drivers should be locked up, but since I have had the walking boots on for the last 2 months with 4 to go, I have seriously changed my attitude. The amount of times I have nearly been cleaned up on my bike by some toss pot, speeding way to quickly/not paying attention/etc etc, has made me think a little about how I drive.

And the fact that my car or most modded T's, could clean up a family in less than 5 seconds, sends chills down my spine.

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 12d
  • Location: Goulburn
cops won't intentionally or necessarily harrass or target you because of your car or licence.

I dissagree.... I was 19 when I bought mine on red ps first night I had the car pulled over 6 times for rbt, 2nd night 5 times.... after 2 months of driving I had a collection of 100 rbt straws... but then again I live in goulburn near the cop academy, the cops gotta learn somewhere I guess pffft

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  • Member For: 20y 5m 21d
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if u wanna be a wa*ker, go out on the backroads atleast where u cant kill any innocent people..

The problem with that comment Toilet biscuit, is the where you live, out on some backroad, a silly f*cker cleaned up a dozen or so people, and killed 5.

I used to always say that I was an obedient driver, cos all I ever did was speed, drink drivers should be locked up, but since I have had the walking boots on for the last 2 months with 4 to go, I have seriously changed my attitude. The amount of times I have nearly been cleaned up on my bike by some toss pot, speeding way to quickly/not paying attention/etc etc, has made me think a little about how I drive.

And the fact that my car or most modded T's, could clean up a family in less than 5 seconds, sends chills down my spine.

true 2-stroke man..

I guess im trying to say pick a "safe place" like sumwhere you know is very very quiet with no houses and great visibility.

cuz not everybody wants to wait a week or has the access to a facility such as calder/heathcote!

our drags here are once a month if we're lucky and its only an 8th mile... I got a few spots picked out that I visit occasionally.. the only thing I would kill out there is myself and a kangaroo.

even still, id rather write it off into a roo than a car with 3 little kids in the back seat.

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 9d
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cops won't intentionally or necessarily harrass or target you because of your car or licence.

I dissagree.... I was 19 when I bought mine on red ps first night I had the car pulled over 6 times for rbt, 2nd night 5 times.... after 2 months of driving I had a collection of 100 rbt straws... but then again I live in goulburn near the cop academy, the cops gotta learn somewhere I guess pffft

there's ya problem :spoton: being pulled over 6 times for rbt means sh*t.. my pregnant missus driving the T was pulled over 3 times.. it just so happens that we chose the wrong way that night :gooff:

A lot of it has to do with when you're out driving too... naturally, if a cop see's a P plater after midnight or 2am or something, of course they'll pull the P plater over. Likewise, when they see me on the road (regardless of what car I'm in), if I'm one of the few on the road they pull me over. I live in QBN so there ain't much for the cops to do.

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  • Member For: 19y 26d
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I'm still on my peees, I just turned 21 and got my licence late because of a few factors, but ever since I've had my licence I've had the T and have had no fines etc, I've been waved on the every time I've gone through the booze bus HAHA

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I get pulled over all the time in my n/a xr6,

once I asked the cop why I always get pulled over.

he told me that every police officer in victoria is instructed to pull over every p plater that they see no matter what,

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Drive an import to find out what cop harrasement is.. :(

They go out of their way to throw U-turns and perform a number plate/history check. Regular cop rubber necking and random pull overs.

Not suprising as they are damn cheap these days (sub 10k-15k) with young P platers getting in to them and after a couple of mods running low 13's which is quite dangerous for unexperienced drivers.

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 30d
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My advice is not to spin sh*t to the cops and say it as it is (maybe downplay a bit) and cop the consequences of your actions. They are only doing their job although some cops can be a bit over the top, especially the rookies.

Two good experiences were once I hanged the back out in my turbo tory a little. Got stopped and asked why. Just said felt a bit boyish this morning. Let me go on my way.

Another time saw the radar trap on the other side of the double lane road whilst going to the chemist. On the way back I was picked up doing 15km/h over. Told the cop I couldn't believe what I just did cause I saw them on the way up but forgot about them on the way back.

He just let me off. They were booking everyone else.

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