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Cops, P Platers & Xr6 Turbos


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hi I am on my learners but I have not had any trouble yet.

my question is it illegal to drive a t on your learners?

thanks  :k24t:

on your L's you can drive whatever car is at home, whether it be a vl commo or a ferrari f430 :spoton:

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  • Xtreme Xalted Member
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cops won't intentionally or necessarily harrass or target you because of your car or licence. If you drive like a tool they'll know. I'm not a P plater, but I was 22 when I bought my T, and the only time I've been pulled over was once for speeding <15km/h over the limit. The other times have all been after midnight where a cop car has followed me and pulled me over for RBT purposes.

Drive safe mate, and keep a good head on ya shoulders.. it's a lot of power for a P plater.

I certainly don’t intend this to be interpreted as cop-bashing, but they do target these vehicles especially if they notice a young male driving.

Several times I have been waved through RBT’s only for them to realise the demographic of the driver and then pull me over at the last minute. I have also been pulled up on the highway for a “friendly chat” numerous times.

I can’t blame them though - most people my age in high performance vehicles are absolute tools.

Like.....errmm.....since when is 40+ "young male"?

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hi I am on my learners but I have not had any trouble yet.

my question is it illegal to drive a t on your learners?

thanks  :nono:

every states different and makes it hard to answer if we dontknow were your from.

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I'm a p plater in nsw with a xr6t, never had a problem with cops. apart from one night parked at a servo with 3 other xr's the cops questioned what we were doing. but I don't seem to attract any attention in the car. maybe because its silver it just blends in with the other traffic and is stock

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cops won't intentionally or necessarily harrass or target you because of your car or licence. If you drive like a tool they'll know. I'm not a P plater, but I was 22 when I bought my T, and the only time I've been pulled over was once for speeding <15km/h over the limit. The other times have all been after midnight where a cop car has followed me and pulled me over for RBT purposes.

Drive safe mate, and keep a good head on ya shoulders.. it's a lot of power for a P plater.

I certainly don’t intend this to be interpreted as cop-bashing, but they do target these vehicles especially if they notice a young male driving.

Several times I have been waved through RBT’s only for them to realise the demographic of the driver and then pull me over at the last minute. I have also been pulled up on the highway for a “friendly chat” numerous times.

I can’t blame them though - most people my age in high performance vehicles are absolute tools.

Like.....errmm.....since when is 40+ "young male"?


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Not flowing on the conversation here, but in relation to the topic; I went through a road block breath test this evening. The officer questioned my XR being a 6 after hearing the exhaust as I rolled up, which could be considered a compliment I guess.

He then walked around the rear of the car and spotted the lovely red badge. He asked who's car it was, I replied, "mine", he then warned me by recommending I query vic roads about power to weight restrictions on probationary drivers. According to him, it's a $150 fine every time you are caught breaking this restriction, not sure about demerits though. The officer writing down the number plates also had a good look, before also writing mine down. I bet he highlighted it too.

I think I'll drive my '93 ED for a couple weeks. They'll be after me I'd say. October is too far away... :w00t2:

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Its a $110 fine no demerit points and they dont keep record of how many times you have been done before, unless the same cop keeps getting you

This only applies for vic drivers :spoton:

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I will say that this is what happend to me all the time but this was before the new HOON law, so im not sure if driving a high powerd vehicle is a hoon offence you might want to double check that part but I dont think it is.

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