YPURV4 KILL,KILL,KILL,DIE,DIE,DIE, Member 2,813 Member For: 18y 9m 26d Gender: Male Posted 22/12/06 12:47 PM Share Posted 22/12/06 12:47 PM Hey mate yes you can get insurance but you will pay for it, and the fine for driving a high powered vehicle is $110 no dermirt points and they dont keep a recored of how many times you have been done I racked 12 fines on my P's.Double check that this is still the same with the new ''hoon'' law. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 11d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 22/12/06 01:02 PM Share Posted 22/12/06 01:02 PM What states this? Here in NSW you would end up disqualified for life for 12 times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 11d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 22/12/06 01:12 PM Share Posted 22/12/06 01:12 PM At least when you get pulled over ya pulling over in style. Lets face it...its a game....you be stupid and your silly enough to get caught then shutup and pay the penalty. If you have a license you should know the rules. It gives me the Shi$s when someone says bloody highway patrol got me speeding...well derr. If you do the crime you either pay the fine or do the time. Its not rocket science. There are times when you can be silly (when there's no chance of you killing anyone except yourself) and a time not to be silly (when someone innocent can get hurt or killed). I agree with the statement we are no more targeted than any other car. I suppose Im lucky in the sense I find myself being flashed by police cars rather than being pulled over as it is an ex highway patrol car. If you want to test your T out take it to your local track or a road miles away from inhabitants and let loose. But if your going to be silly and get caught don't go whinging you were hard done buy. ←Yeah I'm sure the cops flash all the white XR6T's just in case it was that ex chaser they used to drive ← Yeh I dont know. But they do quite often. I've even got to the stage where they flash me, I wave and they wave back. I did buy the car from a local dealer. It was an albury highway patrol car but certain things give me a sneaking suspiscion it was used up around here for a while before they handed it in. In a certain light you can still see the unit number up the passenger side door. The boys dont detail them too well when they get rid of them. Still have the police sticker on the windscreen showing what the police recommended tyre pressures should be. The main reason I bought it wasn't because it was a "Cop Car" it was that it was a country cop car so chances of being thrashed on city streets was next to zero, it was ran in on open country roads. It was a seargants car (even less chance of anything major), I knew the cops regularly serviced their vehicles. But the main decider is the price I got it for. I haven't often walked out of a car yard with a car insured for $10,000 more than what I paid for it all with 45000kms on the clock.←Oh your digging a bit of a hole. Well it is the internet after all and not confession I suppose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dans XR6 Turbo Member 204 Member For: 18y 6m 24d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 23/12/06 01:26 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 01:26 AM If I'm an idiot and get caught I am not going to run home crying poor me poor me, police harrassment, and all the other bullsh@@ that comes out of peoples mouths when they are caught breaking the law. I'll give credit where credit is due when it comes to P-Platers, there are SOME good drivers out there but unfortunately the MAJORITY need to be re-educated and realize they are not bullet proof, nor is the family or person they kill as a result of them being stupid.←Ok what if your just driving down the road minding your own business, then bang see the flash pull over "high officer what seems to be the problem" "just a routien check sir"'next thing you know full defect for things that arnt even true.Some. some police will pick on P platers and that's fact not all p plater's are trouble and yes some ask for it but there are also people that get done for no reason.So there can be a dergee of ''police harrassment'' with P plater's←You shouldn't have illegal modifications in the first place. If you haven't got any illegal mods and/or you haven't done anything wrong and you haven't got a smartass mouth on you then you will not be "setup". If you feel you have been hard done by you can do one of three things. Suggested in this order1. Demand they call their seargant or supervisor out to where you are.if that doesnt work2. Demand the officers name, number and station, then go to that station and make a formal complaint with the Station Seargant.Usually by this stage an investigation is implemented.3. Again get the officers name, number and station and write a letter to the Police Integrity Commission outlining the FACTS.Now when I say demand I mean ask nicely but be firm, dont backdown. If you have honestly done nothing wrong and you believe you are being "setup" then you have nothing to lose by showing the rogue cop that your no little black duck and you wont take it lying down. If he has already radioed the so called offence through and or started writing out the ticket then he is screwed once you prove the "setup". If he hasn't then I'll gaurantee he will grudgingly let you go knowing your no fool. They like to play power games. The facts are these days most new cops are either ill-educated or are academy failures who have been re-instated by the government to get the numbers they promised the public...after all we only have a few months till the election. Like I said if you believe your in the right, dont back down. Dont give them a reason to pin you. Be nice but be firm and let them see they can't ruffle your feathers, once they see this they'll leave you alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iconic Bionic My engine bay is Bionic Donating Members 3,726 Member For: 18y 11m 11d Gender: Male Location: Freeways Posted 23/12/06 02:34 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 02:34 AM Absolute garbage spoken by a true security guard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YPURV4 KILL,KILL,KILL,DIE,DIE,DIE, Member 2,813 Member For: 18y 9m 26d Gender: Male Posted 23/12/06 03:04 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 03:04 AM whats the story with insurance and an xr6t? I thourght that if it was a car you cant drive on your Ps then you wouldnt be covered by insurance in a crash? also does anyone no what the fine is for driving a high powered vehicle in vic?←Hey mate yes you can get insurance but you will pay for it, and the fine for driving a high powered vehicle is $110 no dermirt points and they dont keep a recored of how many times you have been done I racked 12 fines on my P's.Double check that this is still the same with the new ''hoon'' law.←What states this? Here in NSW you would end up disqualified for life for 12 times.←that's in VIC mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YPURV4 KILL,KILL,KILL,DIE,DIE,DIE, Member 2,813 Member For: 18y 9m 26d Gender: Male Posted 23/12/06 03:07 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 03:07 AM If I'm an idiot and get caught I am not going to run home crying poor me poor me, police harrassment, and all the other bullsh@@ that comes out of peoples mouths when they are caught breaking the law. I'll give credit where credit is due when it comes to P-Platers, there are SOME good drivers out there but unfortunately the MAJORITY need to be re-educated and realize they are not bullet proof, nor is the family or person they kill as a result of them being stupid.←Ok what if your just driving down the road minding your own business, then bang see the flash pull over "high officer what seems to be the problem" "just a routien check sir"'next thing you know full defect for things that arnt even true.Some. some police will pick on P platers and that's fact not all p plater's are trouble and yes some ask for it but there are also people that get done for no reason.So there can be a dergee of ''police harrassment'' with P plater's←You shouldn't have illegal modifications in the first place. If you haven't got any illegal mods and/or you haven't done anything wrong and you haven't got a smartass mouth on you then you will not be "setup". If you feel you have been hard done by you can do one of three things. Suggested in this order1. Demand they call their seargant or supervisor out to where you are.if that doesnt work2. Demand the officers name, number and station, then go to that station and make a formal complaint with the Station Seargant.Usually by this stage an investigation is implemented.3. Again get the officers name, number and station and write a letter to the Police Integrity Commission outlining the FACTS.Now when I say demand I mean ask nicely but be firm, dont backdown. If you have honestly done nothing wrong and you believe you are being "setup" then you have nothing to lose by showing the rogue cop that your no little black duck and you wont take it lying down. If he has already radioed the so called offence through and or started writing out the ticket then he is screwed once you prove the "setup". If he hasn't then I'll gaurantee he will grudgingly let you go knowing your no fool. They like to play power games. The facts are these days most new cops are either ill-educated or are academy failures who have been re-instated by the government to get the numbers they promised the public...after all we only have a few months till the election. Like I said if you believe your in the right, dont back down. Dont give them a reason to pin you. Be nice but be firm and let them see they can't ruffle your feathers, once they see this they'll leave you alone.←Im not talking about a car with mods you TOOL im just talkin about a normal car that ok might have 17 inch rims and a legal exhaust but the some cops will just slap a defect on because there a p plate driver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EZ2CME Formerly XR6NA Member 3,512 Member For: 19y 2m 30d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 23/12/06 03:26 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 03:26 AM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dans XR6 Turbo Member 204 Member For: 18y 6m 24d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 23/12/06 04:12 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 04:12 AM The whole topic is a load of beauracratic government bullsh*t. All I can say is I have never been personally nor have any friends of mine ever been hassled. If you get hassled a couple of times its bad luck if its regular maybe you need to look at the car or yourself.Absolute garbage spoken by a true security guard. ← For your information I am licensed but do not practice. Now who has P-Platers being harrassed by police. Stop killing yourselfs and others and you never know your luck...things just might change.....But I doubt it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dans XR6 Turbo Member 204 Member For: 18y 6m 24d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 23/12/06 04:29 AM Share Posted 23/12/06 04:29 AM Im not talking about a car with mods you TOOL im just talkin about a normal car that ok might have 17 inch rims and a legal exhaust but the some cops will just slap a defect on because there a p plate driver.← There are solutions to that problem but as I see there are others on here that THINK they know more so I'll let their wisdom shine through.... I see im dealing with a certain mentality here.....come on guys if you really feel hard done by STAND UP and voice your opinion through the right channels....whinging about it wont solve anything. And by the way einstein whats the chances of a male P-Plater not having some form of mod on his car...very little Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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