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Keep Left Campaign


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 23d
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  • Location: Southern Highlands NSW
As Iconic said in NSW it's ABOVE 80km/h, not 80km/h and above...

I think the fine has gone up to 3 demerit points and 330 dollars or something like that. Too bad it's not being enforced though...

No we all wish it was that much and it should be, its only about $131 but I'll double check and definately not 3 points, maybe only one.

The confusion in the other posts about it being over 80 or 90 when tihs offence applies, is that NSW writes the rule as "above 80km/h", which means it only applies to speed limits of 90Km/h and up, same as VIC and QLD.

From the RTA website:


Not drive on far left side of road $179 2 Australian Road Rules

Rule 129 (1)


Drive in right lane on road with speed-limit over 80 km/h $231 3 Australian Road Rules

Rule 130 (1)(a)&(2)


Disobey keep left unless overtaking sign $231 3 Australian Road Rules

Rule 130 (1)(b)&(2)

Which means that in any multilane road you must keep left regardless of speed, or you can be booked 2 points and $179.

If you drive in the right lane on a road with a speed limit above 80, or disregard a keep left unless overtaking sign you can be fined $231 and 3 points.

So to all the boys in blue on this forum, get out there and enforce it :roflmbo:

yeah get off your stupid computers and get out there :roflmbo:

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As Iconic said in NSW it's ABOVE 80km/h, not 80km/h and above...

I think the fine has gone up to 3 demerit points and 330 dollars or something like that. Too bad it's not being enforced though...

No we all wish it was that much and it should be, its only about $131 but I'll double check and definately not 3 points, maybe only one.

The confusion in the other posts about it being over 80 or 90 when tihs offence applies, is that NSW writes the rule as "above 80km/h", which means it only applies to speed limits of 90Km/h and up, same as VIC and QLD.

From the RTA website:


Not drive on far left side of road $179 2 Australian Road Rules

Rule 129 (1)


Drive in right lane on road with speed-limit over 80 km/h $231 3 Australian Road Rules

Rule 130 (1)(a)&(2)


Disobey keep left unless overtaking sign $231 3 Australian Road Rules

Rule 130 (1)(b)&(2)

Which means that in any multilane road you must keep left regardless of speed, or you can be booked 2 points and $179.

If you drive in the right lane on a road with a speed limit above 80, or disregard a keep left unless overtaking sign you can be fined $231 and 3 points.

So to all the boys in blue on this forum, get out there and enforce it :roflmbo:

I agree. Lazy bloody cops.

yeah get off your stupid computers and get out there :roflmbo:

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  • Sucker
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As annoying as it can be to be stuck behind slower traffic travelling in the wrong lane my pet hate is the asshole(s) that alter their speed all the time. They can't just sit on 100k or 110k - they sit on 100k, then slow down to 90k, then speed up again, then slow down... And just when you go to overtake them they speed up again!!

You're already overtaking them so you have to speed up to pass - especially on a single lane road. Not a problem, but the police can pull you over for speeding if you exceed the speed limit on that road, even when overtaking some numbnut that can't stick to one speed.

Edit: It's even more annoying when you have the cruise control on - Brake, restore it, brake, restore it  :spoton:

Nope...I rate caravans as the all-time favourite :blink:

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  • Member For: 18y 4m 24d
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As annoying as it can be to be stuck behind slower traffic travelling in the wrong lane my pet hate is the asshole(s) that alter their speed all the time. They can't just sit on 100k or 110k - they sit on 100k, then slow down to 90k, then speed up again, then slow down... And just when you go to overtake them they speed up again!!

You're already overtaking them so you have to speed up to pass - especially on a single lane road. Not a problem, but the police can pull you over for speeding if you exceed the speed limit on that road, even when overtaking some numbnut that can't stick to one speed.

Edit: It's even more annoying when you have the cruise control on - Brake, restore it, brake, restore it  :blink:

Nope...I rate caravans as the all-time favourite :gooff:

Them and horse floats :spoton:

I think the keep left thing is compounded by a lack of enforcing (speeding seems to be the only concern there) and a general lack of proper driver education.

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I put it down to laziness and not being aware of your surrounds. They're too busy playing on their mobile phones or tuning in the radio. Next time you get stuck behind someone travelling in the right lane, see how many times they check their mirrors.

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 18d

I have a pet hate.

its people who complain about people who sit in the right lane, saying get out of the fast lane.

There is no fast lane, your not allowed to exceed the speed limit when over taking, so if the car infront is doing the limit, get over it, your complaining about them 'breaking' a road rule. yet you are going to do it yourself if you over take them and they are doing the limit.

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I have a pet hate.

its people who complain about people who sit in the right lane, saying get out of the fast lane.

There is no fast lane, your not allowed to exceed the speed limit when over taking, so if the car infront is doing the limit, get over it, your complaining about them 'breaking' a road rule. yet you are going to do it yourself if you over take them and they are doing the limit.

I guess one day you will be losing money and losing points.

As for Rule 129 - Keeping on the far left side of the Road. This only applies to unmarked roadways, ie, no dividing lines. Basically means you shouldn't be driving on the wrong side of the road around suburban streets.

Keeping Left offences are targeting multi-lane roads.

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 18d

I didnt say I sit in the right lane.

however my freeway trips usually involve me travelling to the end of the freeway, and I do spend an amount of time in the right lane to avoid idiots that have serious trouble merging. (I am from perth remember). Most of the time I will sit in the right lane because I do slowly creep past everyone in the left, using cruise control as opposed to old unsteady 90/100/90/100km/h next to me, and usualy just stay in the right to avoid changing lanes every 30 seconds. however if I do notice someone coming up behind me slightly faster than myself I will move over and let them pass in the right lane.

what irritates me is drivers though think its the right lane and its their right to drive 120kmh+ in the right lane and abuse anyone who gets in their way. its these people I have short temper for.

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