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Best Commuter


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  • Member For: 19y 8m 2d
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im after some info because im thinking of getting a commuter early in the new year..

I was thinking

1. ex taxi

2. motorbike

or just drive the turbo..

my trip to work is probably ~400k's a week.

can anyone give me any idea how much fuel would be for the bike and ex taxi?

both would initially cost around 3k I rekon and there is insurance, rego, servicing etc to worry about but if either of them lasts me two years I rekon I would still come out on top rather than driving the t.

thoughts anyone??

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
  • Location: Phillip Island

Do not buy a taxi.

They have around 1 million + k's on the clock and if it reads differently then they have wound back the odo or changed it out with another.

They sell off their taxi's because they have problems with them far outweighing the cost of the car.

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Just buy a corolla or something similar. That's what I drive to work and uni and the fuel bill's about 1/4 of what the T would use. Roadbikes are too dangerous because of all the halfwit drivers on the roads... that's why I sold mine :blink:

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 8m 2d
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cant bust the scooter because its all highway to work..

dont have a bike licence and wouldn't be confident driving in winter anyways..

a gas ef and an old corolla are similar prices but the ef will have higher rego..

would the falc on gas be cheaper to run than a 4 banger??

I rekon a 4 banger would use ~25$ fuel, the turbo uses around 50, but what about the gas falcon? it would have to be under 20$ a week with the difference in rego costs I would think..

keep the tips and info coming guys!!

Edited by XR06T
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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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How about buying a small little 4 cylinder, a Camry Corolla or whatever and then taking advantage of both the Federal and State Government's rebates on putting LPG on yourself? It would cost very little, if anything overall just you pay for that install up front and get it back almost immediately?

If it's just a commuter, you wouldn't worry about losing boot space or lack of performance, just super economy!

Lumpy :msm:

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 8m 2d
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that's a good point lumpster, and definatly worth booking when or if I get it, but there is like a 2 year wait or something stupid over here..

will look into it when the time comes but :roflmbo:

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 21d
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I'm currently selling my 121 that I've been using as a commuter. Bullet proof little car and uses half the fuel of the T. Has A/C, low ks and I'm throwing in some Laser TX3 mags for nix.

Check out the link on Car Sales, I'm sue you'll find it well worth your while to travel to NSW to get it :roflmbo:

By the way, ex taxis are clagged out and changed over at 1mill ks.

Also, if it's mainly Hwy driving, why is your consumption so high? You should find that the difference between a T and 4cyl on Hwy runs to be minimal.Mazda 121

Edited by tmac450
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