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Mini Hypnodoc Arrives


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Got up at 6am last Sat and found the better half wandering around in the lounge room groaning. Whats the matter I ask? Oh nothing my waters broke at 3am and I'm having a false. Of course I have a training course to start at 9.30am with 30 or so Psychs and Therapists due to turn up. Anyway I get in the shower and come out again, she goes into the loo and comes out more groaning, baby wasn't due until 4th Jan. Put her in the car and head for the hospital in a blind panic, unable to thrash the F6 half legitimatly because of the gear snap discomfort. Get to the hospital and hes in full labour, bolt to the training rooms, organise associate to take over and head back to the hospital, get there at 9.48 and at 10.12 a tiny little 6lb screaming boy arrrives in the world :sharon:

Totally natural birth, not even a Disprin, not even a stretch mark. I got to sit with him for the V8s on Sunday, even if it was a complete dud. He got his first lesson on cheating at 1 day old :Doh:

Perfect timing as I have scored some massive export and recording deals in the US (thank god for the FTA) and have to head to LA in the second week of Jan for a couple of weeks. I would have been unforgiven for the rest of my natural life if I had to go when the baby was only a couple days old :msm:

My recording company RESONANZ is now seriously considering upping the anti with our Britek supercar sponsorship now that Jason will be behind the wheel, just got to nut out the panel exposure costs. Although there was no Britek claim to fame in 06, nobody cheated and the cars got a lot of front end shots so it was viable. I think there will be some vast improvements at Britek in 2007 and I know that Jason is very confident and looking forward to the season. :idunno:

I had my daughter parroting 'Yucky Holdens " at the races on TV and every time she saw one on the road, back in the VN days, so I'll have to organise the new fella to be the youngest person in V8 supercar history to have a hot lap, and then see if his first prattlings arn't FPV.

Anyway Merry Christmas and a Fantastic and safe New Year to you all.

Hypnodoc :fool:

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big congrats hypno.. on all counts :sharon:


does "mini-hypnodoc" have a more conventional name on his birth certificate.??


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  • It's All In Your Mind
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big congrats hypno..  on all counts :sharon:

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does "mini-hypnodoc" have a more conventional name on his birth certificate.??


Hi Shazzy, thanks

Yes he does, its Daniel :idunno:

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Well done Doc, it is the best experience in the world to see your baby being born.

I expect #2 in July

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