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Aftermarket Amp And Sub Install


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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Hey any advice or input welcome

Ok I have an Alpine MRD-M1005 amp, a pair of Type R 12's and a 2.5 Farad capacitor lying around and thought why not give the T a bit more bass..

I have premo sound and was wondering the following

Do I just 'unplug' the old amp and sub and plug in the new? If not what needs to be done? A list would be great....

Whats this line converter buisness?

Which is the best way to face the subs?

Where is the best pace to get all this done in melb? Dont want to go to JB or Strathfield... It all was previously installed by freeway car audio (in the old car) who specialise in high end audio stuff but cost a fortune for installs....

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  • Member For: 18y 10m
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Hey mate if your not going down the track of custom boot do it your self its very easy.

You can pick up the signal wire from your old amp but you will have to run bigger gage cable for that amp, so you will need to run a line from the battry to the amp.

You will also have to run the same size cable for you earth which you can pick up in the boot some where if not a bolt or just put a self tapper into the cable and onto any part of the body(that's a bit dodgy but it will work)

Now for your RCA wire's you can by a little converter which converts your back speaker wires into signal wires which then turns into RCA plug for your amp.Dont worry you dont lose the back speakers from this they will now run through your amp.

with facing the sub each to there own some face in some face out IMO facing out is better.

If you need any more info just PM me.

Catch ya.


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 11d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Ok update went to JB and Strathfield and altho I said I wont go to them it was mainly because they dont usualy know what im talking about and im not confident with their work (after previous experience) But they actually knew what I was talking about and have done installs on BA's.... all up it will set me back about $200 including line converter..

Now my next question is.... What is a good brand line converter? I never heard of them untill last nite and the one the guy showed me looked cheap n dodgy I dont remember the brand though.....

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Now my next question is.... What is a good brand line converter? I never heard of them untill last nite and the one the guy showed me looked cheap n dodgy I dont remember the brand though.....

They used stinger ones on mine, I happy with the result...

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Catalogue number: AA0480

Price: $23.95

You'll only need one of these to tap the signal from both rear speakers.

I have one in the boot of my T and it works a treat.

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