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Blow Off Valve Started To 'whistle'


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  • Member For: 18y 10m 7d
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High revs then a sudden backoff, the bands can't slow it down quick enough, and it skids.

My auto has only done 10,000Ks its a new one and I aint running that much power, I would really like to find out what this is now it tripping me out I thought it was normal?

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  • Member For: 20y 9m 8d
High revs then a sudden backoff, the bands can't slow it down quick enough, and it skids.

My auto has only done 10,000Ks its a new one and I aint running that much power, I would really like to find out what this is now it tripping me out I thought it was normal?

lol same man! Please let me know if you find a fix!



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  • Member For: 19y 4m 15d
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High revs then a sudden backoff, the bands can't slow it down quick enough, and it skids.


Ahh add me to this list, mine has been doing it for a couple of months now.

I've got the ZF auto too, but then I've started to notice a few funny things lately...

Vibrations coming from drivers front side, a sound of broken sticks on take off or changing down gears using the manual mode and a rear undercar clunk when taking corners.

Might have something to do with the way I now drive the T, driving it hard and possibly too hard.

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  • Member For: 20y 9m 8d

ok guys this has got me going now! If it is a vaccume leak, where would I start looking for it??? Could the intake / exhaust bolts not being tight cause this (even though they were supposedly tighted by Ford 1000kms ago)? The car is by no means down on power, but it makes it sound like a ricer :blush:

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Turns out the black rubber ring (I dont know the official name for it so please tell me) between the throttle body and the intake plenum that has the two hose clamps aound it was all mutalated down the bottom therefore not on correctly. I adjusted it and the noise has stopped but I do need another one just to be sure. So if anyone can give me the official name so I can get one from ford it would be appreciated!



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Turns out the black rubber ring (I dont know the official name for it so please tell me) between the throttle body and the intake plenum that has the two hose clamps aound it was all mutalated down the bottom therefore not on correctly. I adjusted it and the noise has stopped but I do need another one just to be sure. So if anyone can give me the official name so I can get one from ford it would be appreciated!



You mean that black rubber sh*t ford give us just replace with with some

silcone hose and some new clamps :censored:

sorry about the picture quallity lol.

I got few pics for you.

<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>


<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>


Ps: dont waste your money on getting another ford one it will just split and crack

again in no time just go to autobarn and get some silcone hose there only around

$20 and looks better aswell


Edited by Black ThundeR
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  • 2 months later...
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  • Member For: 20y 1m 23d
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Turns out the black rubber ring (I dont know the official name for it so please tell me) between the throttle body and the intake plenum that has the two hose clamps aound it was all mutalated down the bottom therefore not on correctly. I adjusted it and the noise has stopped but I do need another one just to be sure. So if anyone can give me the official name so I can get one from ford it would be appreciated!



You mean that black rubber sh*t ford give us just replace with with some

silcone hose and some new clamps :blink:

sorry about the picture quallity lol.

I got few pics for you.

<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>


<div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'><div class='bbimg'>


Ps: dont waste your money on getting another ford one it will just split and crack

again in no time just go to autobarn and get some silcone hose there only around

$20 and looks better aswell


I've been lookin for some of these! can you tell me what size they are?

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