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Any Ideas For Group Buys? - Window shopping for blokes...

Guest NOS XR

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Umm....AFAIK I'm pretty sure you will need to retune if you change the dump/cat on the exhaust. Even if that's your one and only mod, pretty sure retune is a MUST.



So if you want the cat then I'd suggest buying it and then chucking it on just before you do your gas tune (I assume by gas you mean LPG?) and if that is the case why would you want a cat for? to replace some of the power you are losing when you convert the car to gas?



unless ethanol or E85 is a 'gas' ?? LOL :P


be a man and just run premium 98 :) haha nah actually I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple of people with LPG setups on here so I guess you could go for it? Talking to your tuner first is probably wise move

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really hahaha....I knew there would be a few but 300+ is impressive


they wouldn't be FG's but would they? id still rather keep the extra 10-20% power that is lost i.e. would that mean they could have closer to 330+rwkw if using 98?  

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wow, wtf. There's obviously too much stuff I should be researching lol


why is everyone not doing this then?  I'm guessing it is because of the initial outlay? I guess maybe now its becoming a more popular trend as fuel keeps rising lol.


Oh well, cbf with that. Im using 98 and if im changing to a different fuel id prefer E85 hahaha


who needs fuel economy anyways....as long as its doing better than my last jap car im happy (68L of premium and getting 300kms or maybe 350 IF you don't use boost which is impossible haha) but yeah....I guess to each his own (is that the saying?) lol 

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Yeah - it's through yourselves I'm getting the gas and tune - spoken to Bel a few times and she's told me to wait a little longer each time (to iron out any warranty kinks)


Last/first service with you found a warranty issue I'm still waiting on Ford to fix (vibration/pulse once up to fan temp) - once they do I can move forward and gas/tune.


Am figuring the cat is a no-brainer to have done (correct me if I'm wrong)

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