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Any Ideas For Group Buys? - Window shopping for blokes...

Guest NOS XR

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Okay guys I received a nice and quick reply from KPM that they would be more than happy to get behind a group buy for the X3's.

Obviously everyone knows the drill by now. The more numbers we have interested in taking part the greater the saving for all of us!

I'll Keep the number up to date, so far 3.

1. AaronXR
2. Adamlan69
3. Peteos13
10. Edited by AaronXR
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Could you tell us why it's not true?


I think he's saying that the cutting is likely to affect the structural integrity of the chassis.


Personally, I'm inclined to garee with ratter, cutting any major part of the car is going to weaken it. In the event of a serious head-on collission, that bar would probably not crumple as it had in the laboratory and it could potentially stuff up the timing of the air bags going off for example. I'm happy to be proved wrong if someone's bothered to have an engineer certify it, but I would put my money on the strength of the bar being weakened.


On to the XCal 3 and I'd be in for a group buy if the price was good. What sort of discount are they looking at?

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