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Any Ideas For Group Buys? - Window shopping for blokes...

Guest NOS XR

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What about testing the waters for something like (yeah - not related to our actual cars, but I reckon there might be a few interested in and wanting to play with each other) some sort of ready to play kit from




Was wrapped with them when I dealt with them and fark me - how good would it be to take forum arguments to the track?


Am sure we could work out a package (if they wanted to get a deal going) that was sort of affordable, decent and get us racing with each other

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  • Cruise Whore
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I was thinking of organising a group buy for a dash cam.  But I don't know which is the best one and from where.


I like the one that Rab has installed - does both front and back and its HD and wired into the car's power - the one microSD does both front and back.  Looks smallish and convenient as well i.e. does not take up a lot of window realestate.  


Here's info on Rab's BlackVue one (RRP $549)



Rab do you have a contact at BlackVue?


Reason this all came about was that I was driving on the SE Freeway this morning and caught on my dash cam one of those events you see on YouTube and so on.    Made me think "thank goodness I have a dash cam" - but mine's one of the $65 jobbies and although it records video and audio - it only does front and resolution is not GoPro quality (whereas Rab's BlackVue is in my opinion GoPro quality-like).


You guys thoughts on this?

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I doubt you'd be able to get enough interest from just here... and if DCAU on fb can't get a discount, I doubt if we'd be able to.

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  • skids
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id like a dash cam cause of all the f wits I see out on the roads lately. I tend not to have accidents though.


no way would I enable audio recording though LOL. gps recording sure because I tend not to speed but if you were in a high powered car I'd tend to leave gps off HAH.

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  • WOT?
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The Blackvue unit I have (or a similar or updated one) comes up on Massdrop fairly often - not sure how much it's discounted.


I've bought some other stuff from them using the Korean manufacturers website and it worked out cheaper that the Aussie one (I think - either that or the Aussie one didn't stock what I was after)


I bought my original unit off eBay - was $515. That included the kit to hardwire it into the car with the battery saver cutoff. 

Maybe a group buy from one of the other suppliers rather then the official Australian store could get better results?


Am extremely happy with my unit - set and forget then put the SD card into the computer and get great footage and info from the companion app.


It's pretty much to the point where I don't bother using the GoPro anymore unless I need an outside cam. The footage of my trackdays (and Gary's kangaroo incident - am sure he'll elaborate....) is more than good enough.


At home, with the unit connected to the wifi, I get notifications if the car detects movement while parked - can view the cams from bed and even yell out over the inbuilt speaker to anyone nearby.


The 256gb SD card I use was more than enough for the full Adelaide cruise and usually keeps weeks of footage at a time for me (usually short trips).


The rear cam is more than useable (again - ask Gary about the roo) and I've also got an IR cam I can swap the rear one for to keep focused on the passengers in the car day or night.


I do keep the speed and GPS on - I figure I'll be more likely to be able to use the data to prove any innocence on my part than I would be to have it used against me in any way. A quick hold of the button formats the card in the unit ;)


There's also a kit with a rear camera suitable for external mounting (rear of utes etc)


All that said - I haven't looked at what's in the market these days.

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  • To Loud
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I bought my dash cam through the massdrop page.

I was unfortunate enough to get the DR550gw single channeldash cam a month or two before RAB.

Pissed me right off, but I only paid something like $215-275 for mine.

The camera I have only supports 16/32gb  microsd.


I plan on moving my camera over to the wife's car and buying myself a new camera.

So I would be interested depending on the price.


One things I did after getting my dash cam, was to pay a visit to the guy at DCAU, as his store is here in Perth.

He told me at the time, that he would have matched the price for the massdrop, had I gone and seen him before.



If there is enough interest, I am happy to run another group buy thread like I did in the past.

I am also happy to go and speak to the guy and see if he would give us some sort of discount if there were 5 or 10 of us.


Dual channel is the way to go now a days, because if someone rear ends you, you have proof of what they were doing, eg on the mobile phone.

You can then reem them real good and get them to fix other sh*t on your car for free..... Nah just kidding.


Hands up people

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