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Any Ideas For Group Buys? - Window shopping for blokes...

Guest NOS XR

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I'd be interested in a well fabricated catch can set up. Wouldn't necessarily have to be a group buy as I know they're not that expensive, but I'm surprised there's not a prefabricated 6t kit out there? . Will be fitting my pw cooler in the next couple of months before a tune and I'd like to get the catch can sorted before I give it a nice coat in oil to slow it down a bit. Was cleaning the throttle body the other day and saw a few pools of oil in the intake manifold. I'm sure my valve train and other components would like not having to deal with this. To my knowledge there aren't really any ready to go set ups out there yet? The supercheap auto option I see is popular but then you buy hoses and make a bracket etc. Fittings for the tip of the rocker cover.. Not exactly hard but not having easy access to tools or shops where I live at the moment then I'd be keen on a prefab kit
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+1 for above too

Only seen rapids one for $350 but its out of stock according to website :/

And only other option is fleabay stuff and $50 is cheap but idk about the quality (but im sure theres ppl here who use them?)ill have to research more

Also if gb on air intake does happen...lets go with chris @ rapids? Products are way cheaper than everyone and looks quality...but idk lol

Valve springs?

Nizpro exhaust systems?
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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His intake is good. Sounds like I drive a VL turbo though, if you're into that sorta thing. Edited by turboboink
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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0.5 cover on 8psi sounded like a rattle snake

0.7 cover on 18psi sounds like a vl turbo haha

Of course. If I ran a BOV it wouldnt happen. But screw that!

Under 2500 its still quiet noticeable but subtle at the same time.. Still turns heads.

Intake + box is good, battery tray is sturdy however if youre running an aftermarket intercooler pipe kit you may have to jiggle a few things around to get it to all fit snug. It was a 2 man job for myself.

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ok cool.. thanks for that.....well I have the baby turbo and stock boost so mine should sound like a rattlesnake :)


except prob not as loud as I plan to run the rapids cheapo bov venting to atmo so ill see how that sounds :)



(and im prob gunna go the rapids replacement intercooler pipes + TB elbow + F6 cooler and that works with plazmaman, rapids and I think PW turbo side + battery kits) so should get a decent induction note then     

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Hey Guys, 


Saw a couple of posts about DBA T3 discs. 


We don't normally do brakes but we have an account with DBA and i could look at doing a group buy. 


I'm thinking a set of 4 T3 rotors for $850 plus freight - this is for the 42107S and 42108S part numbers. 


Give me some feedback on what part numbers you would need and i can figure out pricing - remember, i do not specialise in brakes so you will have to tell me what you need! 


Thinking ten people for good pricing...

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I think T3's might be overkill for the rears, perhaps front T3's (DBA42107S) and rear t2's (DBA505S).


Can you get Ferodo DS Performance brake pads:
DB1473DS front XR6T
DB1376DS suit rear

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