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My Tale Of Woe

Phoon Hoon

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mate, the important thing is you're ok, and no one was injured.

I know how you feel about the guy in front... it happened to me once in my old VL.. no cars coming for whiles, and the little old lady decided to be safe and stop at the round about... needless to say, with me looking right and seeing no cars, I didn't bother braking too much, thinking she'd move through.. but yeah. adding to that my brakes were already farked and I was 2 days away from replacing them :punchhead:

good luck with the new ride mate. And I suppose one thing you can take out of it, as I have done... do not under any circumstances trust other drivers to think like you... some just don't have the confidence when it comes to reading/merging with traffic. I am now cautious, and I'll wait till they've just about cleared the god damn round about before I bother going through!!

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Pet hate of mine is people slowing right down when merging onto a 100km/hr zone, although it seem's the safe thing to do it's not always the case especialy with people following you and doing the same looking over there shoulder to check that it's ok to merge with the flow of traffic. That and inconsiderate dickheads that drive with there head up there butt's in the left lane when it's obvious a vehicle is about to join the freeway and merge on there left.

Glad your alright. :punchhead:

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Mate I know how you feel. I was in the same position last saturday. Youve gone one better than me though.. You had the balls to post. Only a handfull of ppl know about my story and it was bad enough telling them.

As you said the car is replacable. A father who has kids isnt.

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Like everyone has said the main thing is your ok, cars are only metal and easily replaced. On the up side you now have a new F6 on the way to look foward to.

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mate looking at that car, if it was me I would be in tears I stress over finding a mark on my duco.

But in reality its only a tin can on wheels, you have your health ,your getting a replacement and in 20 or so days the year is over and a new one starts.

Good luck with the next one and take it easy on those freeway ramps.



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That looks f#$king massive!!! Holy F :sleepystuff: K

Glad you came away alright, I mean hey it suxs, but it looks as like its panned out pretty well for you.

Its good to hear that, although the ::police: wrote you a ticket, they didn't adopt the 'TreatemlikeaPplateR' attitude.

F :innocent: K me, the knobskin that approached motorway at 40k's!!!! even though not doing anything legally wrong, it happens far to often, causing a steady flow of traffic, to all of a sudden become unsettled and scattered, like a busted box of smarties.

I would guarantee that the same wank driver, probably sat in the right hand lane, doing 95kph in a 110kph zone, just to be extra careful...while others behind are going mental!

I would love to seen the look on your face when you looked back around to see what you were suddenly faced with!!! :blink::nono::censored:


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  • I see red
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Pet hate of mine is people slowing right down when merging onto a 100km/hr zone, although it seem's the safe thing to do it's not always the case especialy with people following you and doing the same looking over there shoulder to check that it's ok to merge with the flow of traffic. That and inconsiderate dickheads that drive with there head up there butt's in the left lane when it's obvious a vehicle is about to join the freeway and merge on there left.

Glad your alright. :sleepystuff:


I have nearly done the same thing on several occasions. I think the other driver should be charged with something. Did they even bother to stop or did they drive away ignorant of the carnage they had just caused? Lucky you weren't driving a Hyundai.

Glad you are OK and the insurance company is not stuffing you around.

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  • Boostaholics anonymous
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Good to hear your ok bloke! from the looks of that it could have been VERY nasty indeed!

Just a little info on the laws surrounding.

There IS a law stating that you are in NO WAY allowed to be an unfair hinderance to traffic attemting to travel at or near the posted speed limit on a length of road.

Merging is also supposed to be done at speed not at idle. This is why they build the onramps so long.

If the cops had some balls that wuold have given the guy a huge slap on the arse.

Im a Truckie and bugger me, the morons varing attempts at merging constantly amaze me.

I back off the rig to allow them in, they STOP!

I speed up to give them a gap behind the trailer, they Speed up to beat me!

At the end of the day, until the authorities tigten up the licencing reqirements, we are going to have to suffer these nongs.

And to think, people ask me why I live in the country.

Enjoy the BF II Bloke!

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